 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
 * Copyright © 2017 Intel Corporation

#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/mount.h>

#include "i915_drv.h"
#include "i915_gemfs.h"
#include "i915_utils.h"

void i915_gemfs_init(struct drm_i915_private *i915)
	char huge_opt[] = "huge=within_size"; /* r/w */
	struct file_system_type *type;
	struct vfsmount *gemfs;

	 * By creating our own shmemfs mountpoint, we can pass in
	 * mount flags that better match our usecase.
	 * One example, although it is probably better with a per-file
	 * control, is selecting huge page allocations ("huge=within_size").
	 * However, we only do so on platforms which benefit from it, or to
	 * offset the overhead of iommu lookups, where with latter it is a net
	 * win even on platforms which would otherwise see some performance
	 * regressions such a slow reads issue on Broadwell and Skylake.

	if (GRAPHICS_VER(i915) < 11 && !i915_vtd_active(i915))

		goto err;

	type = get_fs_type("tmpfs");
	if (!type)
		goto err;

	gemfs = vfs_kern_mount(type, SB_KERNMOUNT, type->name, huge_opt);
	if (IS_ERR(gemfs))
		goto err;

	i915->mm.gemfs = gemfs;
	drm_info(&i915->drm, "Using Transparent Hugepages\n");

		   "Transparent Hugepage support is recommended for optimal performance%s\n",
		   GRAPHICS_VER(i915) >= 11 ? " on this platform!" :
					      " when IOMMU is enabled!");

void i915_gemfs_fini(struct drm_i915_private *i915)