#ifndef _HE_H_
#define _HE_H_
#define DEV_LABEL "he"
#define CONFIG_IRQ_SIZE 128
#define TPDRQ_MASK(x) (((unsigned long)(x))&((CONFIG_TPDRQ_SIZE<<3)-1))
#define CONFIG_RBRQ_SIZE 512
#define RBRQ_MASK(x) (((unsigned long)(x))&((CONFIG_RBRQ_SIZE<<3)-1))
#define CONFIG_TBRQ_SIZE 512
#define TBRQ_MASK(x) (((unsigned long)(x))&((CONFIG_TBRQ_SIZE<<2)-1))
#define CONFIG_RBPL_SIZE 512
#define RBPL_MASK(x) (((unsigned long)(x))&((CONFIG_RBPL_SIZE<<3)-1))
#define CONFIG_RSRA 0x00000
#define CONFIG_RCMLBM 0x08000
#define CONFIG_RCMABR 0x0d800
#define CONFIG_RSRB 0x0e000
#define CONFIG_TSRA 0x00000
#define CONFIG_TSRB 0x08000
#define CONFIG_TSRC 0x0c000
#define CONFIG_TSRD 0x0e000
#define CONFIG_TMABR 0x0f000
#define CONFIG_TPDBA 0x10000
#define HE_MAXCIDBITS 12
struct he_irq {
volatile u32 isw;
#define IRQ_ALIGNMENT 0x1000
#define NEXT_ENTRY(base, tail, mask) \
(((unsigned long)base)|(((unsigned long)(tail+1))&mask))
#define ITYPE_INVALID 0xffffffff
#define ITYPE_TBRQ_THRESH (0<<3)
#define ITYPE_TPD_COMPLETE (1<<3)
#define ITYPE_RBPS_THRESH (2<<3)
#define ITYPE_RBPL_THRESH (3<<3)
#define ITYPE_RBRQ_THRESH (4<<3)
#define ITYPE_RBRQ_TIMER (5<<3)
#define ITYPE_PHY (6<<3)
#define ITYPE_OTHER 0x80
#define ITYPE_PARITY 0x81
#define ITYPE_ABORT 0x82
#define ITYPE_GROUP(x) (x & 0x7)
#define ITYPE_TYPE(x) (x & 0xf8)
#define HE_NUM_GROUPS 8
struct he_tpd {
volatile u32 status;
volatile u32 reserved;
#define TPD_MAXIOV 3
struct {
u32 addr, len;
} iovec[TPD_MAXIOV];
#define address0 iovec[0].addr
#define length0 iovec[0].len
struct sk_buff *skb;
struct atm_vcc *vcc;
struct list_head entry;
#define TPD_ALIGNMENT 64
#define TPD_LEN_MASK 0xffff
#define TPD_ADDR_SHIFT 6
#define TPD_MASK 0xffffffc0
#define TPD_ADDR(x) ((x) & TPD_MASK)
struct he_tbrq {
volatile u32 tbre;
#define TBRQ_TPD(tbrq) ((tbrq)->tbre & 0xffffffc0)
#define TBRQ_EOS(tbrq) ((tbrq)->tbre & (1<<3))
#define TBRQ_MULTIPLE(tbrq) ((tbrq)->tbre & (1))
struct he_rbrq {
volatile u32 addr;
volatile u32 cidlen;
#define RBRQ_ADDR(rbrq) ((rbrq)->addr & 0xffffffc0)
#define RBRQ_CRC_ERR(rbrq) ((rbrq)->addr & (1<<5))
#define RBRQ_LEN_ERR(rbrq) ((rbrq)->addr & (1<<4))
#define RBRQ_END_PDU(rbrq) ((rbrq)->addr & (1<<3))
#define RBRQ_AAL5_PROT(rbrq) ((rbrq)->addr & (1<<2))
#define RBRQ_CON_CLOSED(rbrq) ((rbrq)->addr & (1<<1))
#define RBRQ_HBUF_ERR(rbrq) ((rbrq)->addr & 1)
#define RBRQ_CID(rbrq) (((rbrq)->cidlen >> 16) & 0x1fff)
#define RBRQ_BUFLEN(rbrq) ((rbrq)->cidlen & 0xffff)
struct he_tpdrq {
volatile u32 tpd;
volatile u32 cid;
#define HSP_ALIGNMENT 0x400 /* must align on 1k boundary */
struct he_hsp {
struct he_hsp_entry {
volatile u32 tbrq_tail;
volatile u32 reserved1[15];
volatile u32 rbrq_tail;
volatile u32 reserved2[15];
} group[HE_NUM_GROUPS];
struct he_rbp {
volatile u32 phys;
volatile u32 idx;
#define RBP_IDX_OFFSET 6
struct he_buff {
struct list_head entry;
dma_addr_t mapping;
unsigned long len;
u8 data[];
#ifdef notyet
struct he_group {
u32 rpbl_size, rpbl_qsize;
struct he_rpb_entry *rbpl_ba;
#define HE_LOOKUP_VCC(dev, cid) ((dev)->he_vcc_table[(cid)].vcc)
struct he_vcc_table
struct atm_vcc *vcc;
struct he_cs_stper
long pcr;
int inuse;
#define HE_NUM_CS_STPER 16
struct he_dev {
unsigned int number;
unsigned int irq;
void __iomem *membase;
char prod_id[30];
char mac_addr[6];
int media;
unsigned int vcibits, vpibits;
unsigned int cells_per_row;
unsigned int bytes_per_row;
unsigned int cells_per_lbuf;
unsigned int r0_numrows, r0_startrow, r0_numbuffs;
unsigned int r1_numrows, r1_startrow, r1_numbuffs;
unsigned int tx_numrows, tx_startrow, tx_numbuffs;
unsigned int buffer_limit;
struct he_vcc_table *he_vcc_table;
#ifdef notyet
struct he_group group[HE_NUM_GROUPS];
struct he_cs_stper cs_stper[HE_NUM_CS_STPER];
unsigned total_bw;
dma_addr_t irq_phys;
struct he_irq *irq_base, *irq_head, *irq_tail;
volatile unsigned *irq_tailoffset;
int irq_peak;
struct tasklet_struct tasklet;
struct dma_pool *tpd_pool;
struct list_head outstanding_tpds;
dma_addr_t tpdrq_phys;
struct he_tpdrq *tpdrq_base, *tpdrq_tail, *tpdrq_head;
spinlock_t global_lock;
dma_addr_t rbrq_phys;
struct he_rbrq *rbrq_base, *rbrq_head;
int rbrq_peak;
struct he_buff **rbpl_virt;
unsigned long *rbpl_table;
unsigned long rbpl_hint;
struct dma_pool *rbpl_pool;
dma_addr_t rbpl_phys;
struct he_rbp *rbpl_base, *rbpl_tail;
struct list_head rbpl_outstanding;
int rbpl_peak;
dma_addr_t tbrq_phys;
struct he_tbrq *tbrq_base, *tbrq_head;
int tbrq_peak;
dma_addr_t hsp_phys;
struct he_hsp *hsp;
struct pci_dev *pci_dev;
struct atm_dev *atm_dev;
struct he_dev *next;
#define HE_MAXIOV 20
struct he_vcc
struct list_head buffers;
int pdu_len;
int rc_index;
wait_queue_head_t rx_waitq;
wait_queue_head_t tx_waitq;
#define HE_VCC(vcc) ((struct he_vcc *)(vcc->dev_data))
#define PCI_VENDOR_ID_FORE 0x1127
#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_FORE_HE 0x400
#define GEN_CNTL_0 0x40
#define INT_PROC_ENBL (1<<25)
#define SLAVE_ENDIAN_MODE (1<<16)
#define MRL_ENB (1<<5)
#define MRM_ENB (1<<4)
#define INIT_ENB (1<<2)
#define IGNORE_TIMEOUT (1<<1)
#define ENBL_64 (1<<0)
#define MIN_PCI_LATENCY 32 /* errata 8.1.3 */
#define HE_DEV(dev) ((struct he_dev *) (dev)->dev_data)
#define he_is622(dev) ((dev)->media & 0x1)
#define he_isMM(dev) ((dev)->media & 0x20)
#define HE_REGMAP_SIZE 0x100000
#define RESET_CNTL 0x80000
#define BOARD_RST_STATUS (1<<6)
#define HOST_CNTL 0x80004
#define PCI_BUS_SIZE64 (1<<27)
#define DESC_RD_STATIC_64 (1<<26)
#define DATA_RD_STATIC_64 (1<<25)
#define DATA_WR_STATIC_64 (1<<24)
#define ID_CS (1<<12)
#define ID_WREN (1<<11)
#define ID_DOUT (1<<10)
#define ID_DOFFSET 10
#define ID_DIN (1<<9)
#define ID_CLOCK (1<<8)
#define QUICK_RD_RETRY (1<<7)
#define QUICK_WR_RETRY (1<<6)
#define OUTFF_ENB (1<<5)
#define CMDFF_ENB (1<<4)
#define PERR_INT_ENB (1<<2)
#define IGNORE_INTR (1<<0)
#define LB_SWAP 0x80008
#define SWAP_RNUM_MAX(x) (x<<27)
#define DATA_WR_SWAP (1<<20)
#define DESC_RD_SWAP (1<<19)
#define DATA_RD_SWAP (1<<18)
#define INTR_SWAP (1<<17)
#define DESC_WR_SWAP (1<<16)
#define SDRAM_INIT (1<<15)
#define BIG_ENDIAN_HOST (1<<14)
#define XFER_SIZE (1<<7)
#define LB_MEM_ADDR 0x8000c
#define LB_MEM_DATA 0x80010
#define LB_MEM_ACCESS 0x80014
#define LB_MEM_HNDSHK (1<<30)
#define LM_MEM_WRITE (0x7)
#define LM_MEM_READ (0x3)
#define SDRAM_CTL 0x80018
#define LB_64_ENB (1<<3)
#define LB_TWR (1<<2)
#define LB_TRP (1<<1)
#define LB_TRAS (1<<0)
#define INT_FIFO 0x8001c
#define INT_MASK_D (1<<15)
#define INT_MASK_C (1<<14)
#define INT_MASK_B (1<<13)
#define INT_MASK_A (1<<12)
#define INT_CLEAR_D (1<<11)
#define INT_CLEAR_C (1<<10)
#define INT_CLEAR_B (1<<9)
#define INT_CLEAR_A (1<<8)
#define ABORT_ADDR 0x80020
#define IRQ0_BASE 0x80080
#define IRQ_BASE(x) (x<<12)
#define IRQ_MASK ((CONFIG_IRQ_SIZE<<2)-1) /* was 0x3ff */
#define IRQ_TAIL(x) (((unsigned long)(x)) & IRQ_MASK)
#define IRQ0_HEAD 0x80084
#define IRQ_SIZE(x) (x<<22)
#define IRQ_THRESH(x) (x<<12)
#define IRQ_HEAD(x) (x<<2)
#define IRQ0_CNTL 0x80088
#define IRQ_ADDRSEL(x) (x<<2)
#define IRQ_INT_A (0<<2)
#define IRQ_INT_B (1<<2)
#define IRQ_INT_C (2<<2)
#define IRQ_INT_D (3<<2)
#define IRQ_TYPE_ADDR 0x1
#define IRQ_TYPE_LINE 0x0
#define IRQ0_DATA 0x8008c
#define IRQ1_BASE 0x80090
#define IRQ1_HEAD 0x80094
#define IRQ1_CNTL 0x80098
#define IRQ1_DATA 0x8009c
#define IRQ2_BASE 0x800a0
#define IRQ2_HEAD 0x800a4
#define IRQ2_CNTL 0x800a8
#define IRQ2_DATA 0x800ac
#define IRQ3_BASE 0x800b0
#define IRQ3_HEAD 0x800b4
#define IRQ3_CNTL 0x800b8
#define IRQ3_DATA 0x800bc
#define GRP_10_MAP 0x800c0
#define GRP_32_MAP 0x800c4
#define GRP_54_MAP 0x800c8
#define GRP_76_MAP 0x800cc
#define G0_RBPS_S 0x80400
#define G0_RBPS_T 0x80404
#define RBP_TAIL(x) ((x)<<3)
#define RBP_MASK(x) ((x)|0x1fff)
#define G0_RBPS_QI 0x80408
#define RBP_QSIZE(x) ((x)<<14)
#define RBP_INT_ENB (1<<13)
#define RBP_THRESH(x) (x)
#define G0_RBPS_BS 0x8040c
#define G0_RBPL_S 0x80410
#define G0_RBPL_T 0x80414
#define G0_RBPL_QI 0x80418
#define G0_RBPL_BS 0x8041c
#define G1_RBPS_S 0x80420
#define G1_RBPS_T 0x80424
#define G1_RBPS_QI 0x80428
#define G1_RBPS_BS 0x8042c
#define G1_RBPL_S 0x80430
#define G1_RBPL_T 0x80434
#define G1_RBPL_QI 0x80438
#define G1_RBPL_BS 0x8043c
#define G2_RBPS_S 0x80440
#define G2_RBPS_T 0x80444
#define G2_RBPS_QI 0x80448
#define G2_RBPS_BS 0x8044c
#define G2_RBPL_S 0x80450
#define G2_RBPL_T 0x80454
#define G2_RBPL_QI 0x80458
#define G2_RBPL_BS 0x8045c
#define G3_RBPS_S 0x80460
#define G3_RBPS_T 0x80464
#define G3_RBPS_QI 0x80468
#define G3_RBPS_BS 0x8046c
#define G3_RBPL_S 0x80470
#define G3_RBPL_T 0x80474
#define G3_RBPL_QI 0x80478
#define G3_RBPL_BS 0x8047c
#define G4_RBPS_S 0x80480
#define G4_RBPS_T 0x80484
#define G4_RBPS_QI 0x80488
#define G4_RBPS_BS 0x8048c
#define G4_RBPL_S 0x80490
#define G4_RBPL_T 0x80494
#define G4_RBPL_QI 0x80498
#define G4_RBPL_BS 0x8049c
#define G5_RBPS_S 0x804a0
#define G5_RBPS_T 0x804a4
#define G5_RBPS_QI 0x804a8
#define G5_RBPS_BS 0x804ac
#define G5_RBPL_S 0x804b0
#define G5_RBPL_T 0x804b4
#define G5_RBPL_QI 0x804b8
#define G5_RBPL_BS 0x804bc
#define G6_RBPS_S 0x804c0
#define G6_RBPS_T 0x804c4
#define G6_RBPS_QI 0x804c8
#define G6_RBPS_BS 0x804cc
#define G6_RBPL_S 0x804d0
#define G6_RBPL_T 0x804d4
#define G6_RBPL_QI 0x804d8
#define G6_RBPL_BS 0x804dc
#define G7_RBPS_S 0x804e0
#define G7_RBPS_T 0x804e4
#define G7_RBPS_QI 0x804e8
#define G7_RBPS_BS 0x804ec
#define G7_RBPL_S 0x804f0
#define G7_RBPL_T 0x804f4
#define G7_RBPL_QI 0x804f8
#define G7_RBPL_BS 0x804fc
#define G0_RBRQ_ST 0x80500
#define G0_RBRQ_H 0x80504
#define G0_RBRQ_Q 0x80508
#define RBRQ_THRESH(x) ((x)<<13)
#define RBRQ_SIZE(x) (x)
#define G0_RBRQ_I 0x8050c
#define RBRQ_TIME(x) ((x)<<8)
#define RBRQ_COUNT(x) (x)
#define G0_TBRQ_B_T 0x80600
#define G0_TBRQ_H 0x80604
#define G0_TBRQ_S 0x80608
#define G0_TBRQ_THRESH 0x8060c
#define TBRQ_THRESH(x) (x)
#define RH_CONFIG 0x805c0
#define PHY_INT_ENB (1<<10)
#define OAM_GID(x) (x<<7)
#define PTMR_PRE(x) (x)
#define G0_INMQ_S 0x80580
#define G0_INMQ_L 0x80584
#define G1_INMQ_S 0x80588
#define G1_INMQ_L 0x8058c
#define G2_INMQ_S 0x80590
#define G2_INMQ_L 0x80594
#define G3_INMQ_S 0x80598
#define G3_INMQ_L 0x8059c
#define G4_INMQ_S 0x805a0
#define G4_INMQ_L 0x805a4
#define G5_INMQ_S 0x805a8
#define G5_INMQ_L 0x805ac
#define G6_INMQ_S 0x805b0
#define G6_INMQ_L 0x805b4
#define G7_INMQ_S 0x805b8
#define G7_INMQ_L 0x805bc
#define TPDRQ_B_H 0x80680
#define TPDRQ_T 0x80684
#define TPDRQ_S 0x80688
#define UBUFF_BA 0x8068c
#define RLBF0_H 0x806c0
#define RLBF0_T 0x806c4
#define RLBF1_H 0x806c8
#define RLBF1_T 0x806cc
#define RLBC_H 0x806d0
#define RLBC_T 0x806d4
#define RLBC_H2 0x806d8
#define TLBF_H 0x806e0
#define TLBF_T 0x806e4
#define RLBF0_C 0x806e8
#define RLBF1_C 0x806ec
#define RXTHRSH 0x806f0
#define LITHRSH 0x806f4
#define LBARB 0x80700
#define SLICE_X(x) (x<<28)
#define ARB_RNUM_MAX(x) (x<<23)
#define TH_PRTY(x) (x<<21)
#define RH_PRTY(x) (x<<19)
#define TL_PRTY(x) (x<<17)
#define RL_PRTY(x) (x<<15)
#define BUS_MULTI(x) (x<<8)
#define NET_PREF(x) (x)
#define SDRAMCON 0x80704
#define BANK_ON (1<<14)
#define WIDE_DATA (1<<13)
#define TWR_WAIT (1<<12)
#define TRP_WAIT (1<<11)
#define TRAS_WAIT (1<<10)
#define REF_RATE(x) (x)
#define LBSTAT 0x80708
#define RCC_STAT 0x8070c
#define RCC_BUSY (1)
#define TCMCONFIG 0x80740
#define TM_DESL2 (1<<10)
#define TM_BANK_WAIT(x) (x<<6)
#define TM_ADD_BANK4(x) (x<<4)
#define TM_PAR_CHECK(x) (x<<3)
#define TM_RW_WAIT(x) (x<<2)
#define TM_SRAM_TYPE(x) (x)
#define TSRB_BA 0x80744
#define TSRC_BA 0x80748
#define TMABR_BA 0x8074c
#define TPD_BA 0x80750
#define TSRD_BA 0x80758
#define TX_CONFIG 0x80760
#define DRF_THRESH(x) (x<<22)
#define TX_UT_MODE(x) (x<<21)
#define TX_VCI_MASK(x) (x<<17)
#define LBFREE_CNT(x) (x)
#define TXAAL5_PROTO 0x80764
#define CPCS_UU(x) (x<<8)
#define CPI(x) (x)
#define RCMCONFIG 0x80780
#define RM_DESL2(x) (x<<10)
#define RM_BANK_WAIT(x) (x<<6)
#define RM_ADD_BANK(x) (x<<4)
#define RM_PAR_CHECK(x) (x<<3)
#define RM_RW_WAIT(x) (x<<2)
#define RM_SRAM_TYPE(x) (x)
#define RCMRSRB_BA 0x80784
#define RCMLBM_BA 0x80788
#define RCMABR_BA 0x8078c
#define RC_CONFIG 0x807c0
#define UT_RD_DELAY(x) (x<<11)
#define WRAP_MODE(x) (x<<10)
#define RC_UT_MODE(x) (x<<9)
#define RX_ENABLE (1<<8)
#define RX_VALVP(x) (x<<4)
#define RX_VALVC(x) (x)
#define MCC 0x807c4
#define OEC 0x807c8
#define DCC 0x807cc
#define CEC 0x807d0
#define HSP_BA 0x807f0
#define LB_CONFIG 0x807f4
#define LB_SIZE(x) (x)
#define CON_DAT 0x807f8
#define CON_CTL 0x807fc
#define CON_CTL_MBOX (2<<30)
#define CON_CTL_TCM (1<<30)
#define CON_CTL_RCM (0<<30)
#define CON_CTL_WRITE (1<<29)
#define CON_CTL_READ (0<<29)
#define CON_CTL_BUSY (1<<28)
#define CON_BYTE_DISABLE_3 (1<<22) /* 24..31 */
#define CON_BYTE_DISABLE_2 (1<<21) /* 16..23 */
#define CON_BYTE_DISABLE_1 (1<<20) /* 8..15 */
#define CON_BYTE_DISABLE_0 (1<<19) /* 0..7 */
#define CON_CTL_ADDR(x) (x)
#define FRAMER 0x80800 /* to 0x80bfc */
#define CS_STPER0 0x0
#define CS_STPER31 0x01f
#define CS_STTIM0 0x020
#define CS_STTIM31 0x03f
#define CS_TGRLD0 0x040
#define CS_TGRLD15 0x04f
#define CS_ERTHR0 0x050
#define CS_ERTHR1 0x051
#define CS_ERTHR2 0x052
#define CS_ERTHR3 0x053
#define CS_ERTHR4 0x054
#define CS_ERCTL0 0x055
#define TX_ENABLE (1<<28)
#define ER_ENABLE (1<<27)
#define CS_ERCTL1 0x056
#define CS_ERCTL2 0x057
#define CS_ERSTAT0 0x058
#define CS_ERSTAT1 0x059
#define CS_RTCCT 0x060
#define CS_RTFWC 0x061
#define CS_RTFWR 0x062
#define CS_RTFTC 0x063
#define CS_RTATR 0x064
#define CS_TFBSET 0x070
#define CS_TFBADD 0x071
#define CS_TFBSUB 0x072
#define CS_WCRMAX 0x073
#define CS_WCRMIN 0x074
#define CS_WCRINC 0x075
#define CS_WCRDEC 0x076
#define CS_WCRCEIL 0x077
#define CS_BWDCNT 0x078
#define CS_OTPPER 0x080
#define CS_OTWPER 0x081
#define CS_OTTLIM 0x082
#define CS_OTTCNT 0x083
#define CS_HGRRT0 0x090
#define CS_HGRRT7 0x097
#define CS_ORPTRS 0x0a0
#define RXCON_CLOSE 0x100
#define RCM_MEM_SIZE 0x10000 /* 1M of 32-bit registers */
#define TCM_MEM_SIZE 0x20000 /* 2M of 32-bit registers */
#define TSR0_CONN_STATE(x) ((x>>28) & 0x7)
#define TSR0_USE_WMIN (1<<23)
#define TSR0_GROUP(x) ((x & 0x7)<<18)
#define TSR0_ABR (2<<16)
#define TSR0_UBR (1<<16)
#define TSR0_CBR (0<<16)
#define TSR0_PROT (1<<15)
#define TSR0_AAL0_SDU (2<<12)
#define TSR0_AAL0 (1<<12)
#define TSR0_AAL5 (0<<12)
#define TSR0_HALT_ER (1<<11)
#define TSR0_MARK_CI (1<<10)
#define TSR0_MARK_ER (1<<9)
#define TSR0_UPDATE_GER (1<<8)
#define TSR0_RC_INDEX(x) (x & 0x1F)
#define TSR1_PCR(x) ((x & 0x7FFF)<<16)
#define TSR1_MCR(x) (x & 0x7FFF)
#define TSR2_ACR(x) ((x & 0x7FFF)<<16)
#define TSR3_NRM_CNT(x) ((x & 0xFF)<<24)
#define TSR3_CRM_CNT(x) (x & 0xFFFF)
#define TSR4_FLUSH_CONN (1<<31)
#define TSR4_SESSION_ENDED (1<<30)
#define TSR4_CRC10 (1<<28)
#define TSR4_NULL_CRC10 (1<<27)
#define TSR4_PROT (1<<26)
#define TSR4_AAL0_SDU (2<<23)
#define TSR4_AAL0 (1<<23)
#define TSR4_AAL5 (0<<23)
#define TSR9_OPEN_CONN (1<<20)
#define TSR11_ICR(x) ((x & 0x7FFF)<<16)
#define TSR11_TRM(x) ((x & 0x7)<<13)
#define TSR11_NRM(x) ((x & 0x7)<<10)
#define TSR11_ADTF(x) (x & 0x3FF)
#define TSR13_RDF(x) ((x & 0xF)<<23)
#define TSR13_RIF(x) ((x & 0xF)<<19)
#define TSR13_CDF(x) ((x & 0x7)<<16)
#define TSR13_CRM(x) (x & 0xFFFF)
#define TSR14_DELETE (1<<31)
#define TSR14_ABR_CLOSE (1<<16)
#define RSR0_START_PDU (1<<10)
#define RSR0_OPEN_CONN (1<<6)
#define RSR0_CLOSE_CONN (0<<6)
#define RSR0_PPD_ENABLE (1<<5)
#define RSR0_EPD_ENABLE (1<<4)
#define RSR0_TCP_CKSUM (1<<3)
#define RSR0_AAL5 (0)
#define RSR0_AAL0 (1)
#define RSR0_AAL0_SDU (2)
#define RSR0_RAWCELL (3)
#define RSR0_RAWCELL_CRC10 (4)
#define RSR1_AQI_ENABLE (1<<20)
#define RSR1_RBPL_ONLY (1<<19)
#define RSR1_GROUP(x) ((x)<<16)
#define RSR4_AQI_ENABLE (1<<30)
#define RSR4_GROUP(x) ((x)<<27)
#define RSR4_RBPL_ONLY (1<<26)
#define TPD_USERCELL 0x0
#define TPD_SEGMENT_OAMF5 0x4
#define TPD_END2END_OAMF5 0x5
#define TPD_RMCELL 0x6
#define TPD_CELLTYPE(x) (x<<3)
#define TPD_EOS (1<<2)
#define TPD_CLP (1<<1)
#define TPD_INT (1<<0)
#define TPD_LST (1<<31)
#define PROD_ID 0x08 /* char[] */
#define PROD_ID_LEN 30
#define HW_REV 0x26 /* char[] */
#define M_SN 0x3a /* integer */
#define MEDIA 0x3e /* integer */
#define HE155MM 0x26
#define HE622MM 0x27
#define HE155SM 0x46
#define HE622SM 0x47
#define MAC_ADDR 0x42 /* char[] */
#define CS_LOW 0x0
#define CLK_LOW 0x0
#define EEPROM_DELAY 400 /* microseconds */
#endif /* _HE_H_ */