# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# This test is for checking bridge neighbor suppression functionality. The
# topology consists of two bridges (VTEPs) connected using VXLAN. A single
# host is connected to each bridge over multiple VLANs. The test checks that
# ARP/NS messages from the first host are suppressed on the VXLAN port when
# should.
# +-----------------------+              +------------------------+
# | h1                    |              | h2                     |
# |                       |              |                        |
# | + eth0.10             |              | + eth0.10              |
# | |        |              | |         |
# | | 2001:db8:1::1/64    |              | | 2001:db8:1::2/64     |
# | |                     |              | |                      |
# | |  + eth0.20          |              | |  + eth0.20           |
# | \  |    |              | \  |     |
# |  \ | 2001:db8:2::1/64 |              |  \ | 2001:db8:2::2/64  |
# |   \|                  |              |   \|                   |
# |    + eth0             |              |    + eth0              |
# +----|------------------+              +----|-------------------+
#      |                                      |
#      |                                      |
# +----|-------------------------------+ +----|-------------------------------+
# |    + swp1                   + vx0  | |    + swp1                   + vx0  |
# |    |                        |      | |    |                        |      |
# |    |           br0          |      | |    |                        |      |
# |    +------------+-----------+      | |    +------------+-----------+      |
# |                 |                  | |                 |                  |
# |                 |                  | |                 |                  |
# |             +---+---+              | |             +---+---+              |
# |             |       |              | |             |       |              |
# |             |       |              | |             |       |              |
# |             +       +              | |             +       +              |
# |          br0.10  br0.20            | |          br0.10  br0.20            |
# |                                    | |                                    |
# |                | |                |
# |                 + lo               | |                 + lo               |
# |                                    | |                                    |
# |                                    | |                                    |
# |             | |                   |
# |                           veth0 +-------+ veth0                           |
# |                                    | |                                    |
# | sw1                                | | sw2                                |
# +------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------+

# Kselftest framework requirement - SKIP code is 4.

# All tests in this script. Can be overridden with -t option.

# Utilities

	local rc=$1
	local expected=$2
	local msg="$3"

	if [ ${rc} -eq ${expected} ]; then
		printf "TEST: %-60s  [ OK ]\n" "${msg}"
		printf "TEST: %-60s  [FAIL]\n" "${msg}"
		if [ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ]; then
			echo "    rc=$rc, expected $expected"

		if [ "${PAUSE_ON_FAIL}" = "yes" ]; then
			echo "hit enter to continue, 'q' to quit"
			read a
			[ "$a" = "q" ] && exit 1

	if [ "${PAUSE}" = "yes" ]; then
		echo "hit enter to continue, 'q' to quit"
		read a
		[ "$a" = "q" ] && exit 1

	[ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ] && echo

	local cmd="$1"
	local out
	local stderr="2>/dev/null"

	if [ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ]; then
		printf "COMMAND: $cmd\n"

	out=$(eval $cmd $stderr)
	if [ "$VERBOSE" = "1" -a -n "$out" ]; then
		echo "    $out"

	return $rc

	local ns=$1; shift
	local id=$1; shift
	local handle=$1; shift
	local count=$1; shift
	local pkts

	sleep 0.1
	pkts=$(tc -n $ns -j -s filter show $id \
		| jq ".[] | select(.options.handle == $handle) | \
	[[ $pkts == $count ]]

# Setup

	local ns=$1; shift

	ip netns add $ns
	ip -n $ns link set dev lo up

	ip netns exec $ns sysctl -qw net.ipv6.conf.all.keep_addr_on_down=1
	ip netns exec $ns sysctl -qw net.ipv6.conf.default.ignore_routes_with_linkdown=1
	ip netns exec $ns sysctl -qw net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_dad=0
	ip netns exec $ns sysctl -qw net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_dad=0

	local ns

	for ns in h1 h2 sw1 sw2; do
		setup_topo_ns $ns

	ip link add name veth0 type veth peer name veth1
	ip link set dev veth0 netns h1 name eth0
	ip link set dev veth1 netns sw1 name swp1

	ip link add name veth0 type veth peer name veth1
	ip link set dev veth0 netns sw1 name veth0
	ip link set dev veth1 netns sw2 name veth0

	ip link add name veth0 type veth peer name veth1
	ip link set dev veth0 netns h2 name eth0
	ip link set dev veth1 netns sw2 name swp1

	local ns=$1; shift
	local v4addr1=$1; shift
	local v4addr2=$1; shift
	local v6addr1=$1; shift
	local v6addr2=$1; shift

	ip -n $ns link set dev eth0 up
	ip -n $ns link add link eth0 name eth0.10 up type vlan id 10
	ip -n $ns link add link eth0 name eth0.20 up type vlan id 20

	ip -n $ns address add $v4addr1 dev eth0.10
	ip -n $ns address add $v4addr2 dev eth0.20
	ip -n $ns address add $v6addr1 dev eth0.10
	ip -n $ns address add $v6addr2 dev eth0.20

	local ns=h1
	local v4addr1=
	local v4addr2=
	local v6addr1=2001:db8:1::1/64
	local v6addr2=2001:db8:2::1/64

	setup_host_common $ns $v4addr1 $v4addr2 $v6addr1 $v6addr2

	local ns=h2
	local v4addr1=
	local v4addr2=
	local v6addr1=2001:db8:1::2/64
	local v6addr2=2001:db8:2::2/64

	setup_host_common $ns $v4addr1 $v4addr2 $v6addr1 $v6addr2

	local ns=$1; shift
	local local_addr=$1; shift
	local remote_addr=$1; shift
	local veth_addr=$1; shift
	local gw_addr=$1; shift

	ip -n $ns address add $local_addr/32 dev lo

	ip -n $ns link set dev veth0 up
	ip -n $ns address add $veth_addr/28 dev veth0
	ip -n $ns route add default via $gw_addr

	ip -n $ns link add name br0 up type bridge vlan_filtering 1 \
		vlan_default_pvid 0 mcast_snooping 0

	ip -n $ns link add link br0 name br0.10 up type vlan id 10
	bridge -n $ns vlan add vid 10 dev br0 self

	ip -n $ns link add link br0 name br0.20 up type vlan id 20
	bridge -n $ns vlan add vid 20 dev br0 self

	ip -n $ns link set dev swp1 up master br0
	bridge -n $ns vlan add vid 10 dev swp1
	bridge -n $ns vlan add vid 20 dev swp1

	ip -n $ns link add name vx0 up master br0 type vxlan \
		local $local_addr dstport 4789 nolearning external
	bridge -n $ns fdb add 00:00:00:00:00:00 dev vx0 self static \
		dst $remote_addr src_vni 10010
	bridge -n $ns fdb add 00:00:00:00:00:00 dev vx0 self static \
		dst $remote_addr src_vni 10020
	bridge -n $ns link set dev vx0 vlan_tunnel on learning off

	bridge -n $ns vlan add vid 10 dev vx0
	bridge -n $ns vlan add vid 10 dev vx0 tunnel_info id 10010

	bridge -n $ns vlan add vid 20 dev vx0
	bridge -n $ns vlan add vid 20 dev vx0 tunnel_info id 10020

	local ns=sw1
	local local_addr=
	local remote_addr=
	local veth_addr=
	local gw_addr=

	setup_sw_common $ns $local_addr $remote_addr $veth_addr $gw_addr

	local ns=sw2
	local local_addr=
	local remote_addr=
	local veth_addr=
	local gw_addr=

	setup_sw_common $ns $local_addr $remote_addr $veth_addr $gw_addr

	set -e


	sleep 5

	set +e

	local ns

	for ns in h1 h2 sw1 sw2; do
		ip netns del $ns &> /dev/null

# Tests

	local vid=$1; shift
	local sip=$1; shift
	local tip=$1; shift
	local h2_mac

	echo "Per-port ARP suppression - VLAN $vid"
	echo "----------------------------------"

	run_cmd "tc -n sw1 qdisc replace dev vx0 clsact"
	run_cmd "tc -n sw1 filter replace dev vx0 egress pref 1 handle 101 proto 0x0806 flower indev swp1 arp_tip $tip arp_sip $sip arp_op request action pass"

	# Initial state - check that ARP requests are not suppressed and that
	# ARP replies are received.
	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 arping -q -b -c 1 -w 5 -s $sip -I eth0.$vid $tip"
	log_test $? 0 "arping"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 1
	log_test $? 0 "ARP suppression"

	# Enable neighbor suppression and check that nothing changes compared
	# to the initial state.
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 link set dev vx0 neigh_suppress on"
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 -d link show dev vx0 | grep \"neigh_suppress on\""
	log_test $? 0 "\"neigh_suppress\" is on"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 arping -q -b -c 1 -w 5 -s $sip -I eth0.$vid $tip"
	log_test $? 0 "arping"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 2
	log_test $? 0 "ARP suppression"

	# Install an FDB entry for the remote host and check that nothing
	# changes compared to the initial state.
	h2_mac=$(ip -n h2 -j -p link show eth0.$vid | jq -r '.[]["address"]')
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 fdb replace $h2_mac dev vx0 master static vlan $vid"
	log_test $? 0 "FDB entry installation"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 arping -q -b -c 1 -w 5 -s $sip -I eth0.$vid $tip"
	log_test $? 0 "arping"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 3
	log_test $? 0 "ARP suppression"

	# Install a neighbor on the matching SVI interface and check that ARP
	# requests are suppressed.
	run_cmd "ip -n sw1 neigh replace $tip lladdr $h2_mac nud permanent dev br0.$vid"
	log_test $? 0 "Neighbor entry installation"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 arping -q -b -c 1 -w 5 -s $sip -I eth0.$vid $tip"
	log_test $? 0 "arping"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 3
	log_test $? 0 "ARP suppression"

	# Take the second host down and check that ARP requests are suppressed
	# and that ARP replies are received.
	run_cmd "ip -n h2 link set dev eth0.$vid down"
	log_test $? 0 "H2 down"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 arping -q -b -c 1 -w 5 -s $sip -I eth0.$vid $tip"
	log_test $? 0 "arping"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 3
	log_test $? 0 "ARP suppression"

	run_cmd "ip -n h2 link set dev eth0.$vid up"
	log_test $? 0 "H2 up"

	# Disable neighbor suppression and check that ARP requests are no
	# longer suppressed.
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 link set dev vx0 neigh_suppress off"
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 -d link show dev vx0 | grep \"neigh_suppress off\""
	log_test $? 0 "\"neigh_suppress\" is off"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 arping -q -b -c 1 -w 5 -s $sip -I eth0.$vid $tip"
	log_test $? 0 "arping"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 4
	log_test $? 0 "ARP suppression"

	# Take the second host down and check that ARP requests are not
	# suppressed and that ARP replies are not received.
	run_cmd "ip -n h2 link set dev eth0.$vid down"
	log_test $? 0 "H2 down"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 arping -q -b -c 1 -w 5 -s $sip -I eth0.$vid $tip"
	log_test $? 1 "arping"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 5
	log_test $? 0 "ARP suppression"

	local vid=10
	local sip=
	local tip=

	neigh_suppress_arp_common $vid $sip $tip

	neigh_suppress_arp_common $vid $sip $tip

	local vid=$1; shift
	local saddr=$1; shift
	local daddr=$1; shift
	local maddr=$1; shift
	local h2_mac

	echo "Per-port NS suppression - VLAN $vid"
	echo "---------------------------------"

	run_cmd "tc -n sw1 qdisc replace dev vx0 clsact"
	run_cmd "tc -n sw1 filter replace dev vx0 egress pref 1 handle 101 proto ipv6 flower indev swp1 ip_proto icmpv6 dst_ip $maddr src_ip $saddr type 135 code 0 action pass"

	# Initial state - check that NS messages are not suppressed and that ND
	# messages are received.
	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 ndisc6 -q -r 1 -s $saddr -w 5000 $daddr eth0.$vid"
	log_test $? 0 "ndisc6"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 1
	log_test $? 0 "NS suppression"

	# Enable neighbor suppression and check that nothing changes compared
	# to the initial state.
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 link set dev vx0 neigh_suppress on"
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 -d link show dev vx0 | grep \"neigh_suppress on\""
	log_test $? 0 "\"neigh_suppress\" is on"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 ndisc6 -q -r 1 -s $saddr -w 5000 $daddr eth0.$vid"
	log_test $? 0 "ndisc6"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 2
	log_test $? 0 "NS suppression"

	# Install an FDB entry for the remote host and check that nothing
	# changes compared to the initial state.
	h2_mac=$(ip -n h2 -j -p link show eth0.$vid | jq -r '.[]["address"]')
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 fdb replace $h2_mac dev vx0 master static vlan $vid"
	log_test $? 0 "FDB entry installation"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 ndisc6 -q -r 1 -s $saddr -w 5000 $daddr eth0.$vid"
	log_test $? 0 "ndisc6"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 3
	log_test $? 0 "NS suppression"

	# Install a neighbor on the matching SVI interface and check that NS
	# messages are suppressed.
	run_cmd "ip -n sw1 neigh replace $daddr lladdr $h2_mac nud permanent dev br0.$vid"
	log_test $? 0 "Neighbor entry installation"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 ndisc6 -q -r 1 -s $saddr -w 5000 $daddr eth0.$vid"
	log_test $? 0 "ndisc6"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 3
	log_test $? 0 "NS suppression"

	# Take the second host down and check that NS messages are suppressed
	# and that ND messages are received.
	run_cmd "ip -n h2 link set dev eth0.$vid down"
	log_test $? 0 "H2 down"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 ndisc6 -q -r 1 -s $saddr -w 5000 $daddr eth0.$vid"
	log_test $? 0 "ndisc6"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 3
	log_test $? 0 "NS suppression"

	run_cmd "ip -n h2 link set dev eth0.$vid up"
	log_test $? 0 "H2 up"

	# Disable neighbor suppression and check that NS messages are no longer
	# suppressed.
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 link set dev vx0 neigh_suppress off"
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 -d link show dev vx0 | grep \"neigh_suppress off\""
	log_test $? 0 "\"neigh_suppress\" is off"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 ndisc6 -q -r 1 -s $saddr -w 5000 $daddr eth0.$vid"
	log_test $? 0 "ndisc6"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 4
	log_test $? 0 "NS suppression"

	# Take the second host down and check that NS messages are not
	# suppressed and that ND messages are not received.
	run_cmd "ip -n h2 link set dev eth0.$vid down"
	log_test $? 0 "H2 down"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 ndisc6 -q -r 1 -s $saddr -w 5000 $daddr eth0.$vid"
	log_test $? 2 "ndisc6"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 5
	log_test $? 0 "NS suppression"

	local vid=10
	local saddr=2001:db8:1::1
	local daddr=2001:db8:1::2
	local maddr=ff02::1:ff00:2

	neigh_suppress_ns_common $vid $saddr $daddr $maddr


	neigh_suppress_ns_common $vid $saddr $daddr $maddr

	local vid1=10
	local vid2=20
	local sip1=
	local sip2=
	local tip1=
	local tip2=
	local h2_mac1
	local h2_mac2

	echo "Per-{Port, VLAN} ARP suppression"
	echo "--------------------------------"

	run_cmd "tc -n sw1 qdisc replace dev vx0 clsact"
	run_cmd "tc -n sw1 filter replace dev vx0 egress pref 1 handle 101 proto 0x0806 flower indev swp1 arp_tip $tip1 arp_sip $sip1 arp_op request action pass"
	run_cmd "tc -n sw1 filter replace dev vx0 egress pref 1 handle 102 proto 0x0806 flower indev swp1 arp_tip $tip2 arp_sip $sip2 arp_op request action pass"

	h2_mac1=$(ip -n h2 -j -p link show eth0.$vid1 | jq -r '.[]["address"]')
	h2_mac2=$(ip -n h2 -j -p link show eth0.$vid2 | jq -r '.[]["address"]')
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 fdb replace $h2_mac1 dev vx0 master static vlan $vid1"
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 fdb replace $h2_mac2 dev vx0 master static vlan $vid2"
	run_cmd "ip -n sw1 neigh replace $tip1 lladdr $h2_mac1 nud permanent dev br0.$vid1"
	run_cmd "ip -n sw1 neigh replace $tip2 lladdr $h2_mac2 nud permanent dev br0.$vid2"

	# Enable per-{Port, VLAN} neighbor suppression and check that ARP
	# requests are not suppressed and that ARP replies are received.
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 link set dev vx0 neigh_vlan_suppress on"
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 -d link show dev vx0 | grep \"neigh_vlan_suppress on\""
	log_test $? 0 "\"neigh_vlan_suppress\" is on"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 arping -q -b -c 1 -w 5 -s $sip1 -I eth0.$vid1 $tip1"
	log_test $? 0 "arping (VLAN $vid1)"
	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 arping -q -b -c 1 -w 5 -s $sip2 -I eth0.$vid2 $tip2"
	log_test $? 0 "arping (VLAN $vid2)"

	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 1
	log_test $? 0 "ARP suppression (VLAN $vid1)"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 102 1
	log_test $? 0 "ARP suppression (VLAN $vid2)"

	# Enable neighbor suppression on VLAN 10 and check that only on this
	# VLAN ARP requests are suppressed.
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 vlan set vid $vid1 dev vx0 neigh_suppress on"
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 -d vlan show dev vx0 vid $vid1 | grep \"neigh_suppress on\""
	log_test $? 0 "\"neigh_suppress\" is on (VLAN $vid1)"
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 -d vlan show dev vx0 vid $vid2 | grep \"neigh_suppress off\""
	log_test $? 0 "\"neigh_suppress\" is off (VLAN $vid2)"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 arping -q -b -c 1 -w 5 -s $sip1 -I eth0.$vid1 $tip1"
	log_test $? 0 "arping (VLAN $vid1)"
	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 arping -q -b -c 1 -w 5 -s $sip2 -I eth0.$vid2 $tip2"
	log_test $? 0 "arping (VLAN $vid2)"

	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 1
	log_test $? 0 "ARP suppression (VLAN $vid1)"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 102 2
	log_test $? 0 "ARP suppression (VLAN $vid2)"

	# Enable neighbor suppression on the port and check that it has no
	# effect compared to previous state.
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 link set dev vx0 neigh_suppress on"
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 -d link show dev vx0 | grep \"neigh_suppress on\""
	log_test $? 0 "\"neigh_suppress\" is on"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 arping -q -b -c 1 -w 5 -s $sip1 -I eth0.$vid1 $tip1"
	log_test $? 0 "arping (VLAN $vid1)"
	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 arping -q -b -c 1 -w 5 -s $sip2 -I eth0.$vid2 $tip2"
	log_test $? 0 "arping (VLAN $vid2)"

	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 1
	log_test $? 0 "ARP suppression (VLAN $vid1)"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 102 3
	log_test $? 0 "ARP suppression (VLAN $vid2)"

	# Disable neighbor suppression on the port and check that it has no
	# effect compared to previous state.
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 link set dev vx0 neigh_suppress off"
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 -d link show dev vx0 | grep \"neigh_suppress off\""
	log_test $? 0 "\"neigh_suppress\" is off"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 arping -q -b -c 1 -w 5 -s $sip1 -I eth0.$vid1 $tip1"
	log_test $? 0 "arping (VLAN $vid1)"
	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 arping -q -b -c 1 -w 5 -s $sip2 -I eth0.$vid2 $tip2"
	log_test $? 0 "arping (VLAN $vid2)"

	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 1
	log_test $? 0 "ARP suppression (VLAN $vid1)"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 102 4
	log_test $? 0 "ARP suppression (VLAN $vid2)"

	# Disable neighbor suppression on VLAN 10 and check that ARP requests
	# are no longer suppressed on this VLAN.
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 vlan set vid $vid1 dev vx0 neigh_suppress off"
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 -d vlan show dev vx0 vid $vid1 | grep \"neigh_suppress off\""
	log_test $? 0 "\"neigh_suppress\" is off (VLAN $vid1)"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 arping -q -b -c 1 -w 5 -s $sip1 -I eth0.$vid1 $tip1"
	log_test $? 0 "arping (VLAN $vid1)"
	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 arping -q -b -c 1 -w 5 -s $sip2 -I eth0.$vid2 $tip2"
	log_test $? 0 "arping (VLAN $vid2)"

	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 2
	log_test $? 0 "ARP suppression (VLAN $vid1)"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 102 5
	log_test $? 0 "ARP suppression (VLAN $vid2)"

	# Disable per-{Port, VLAN} neighbor suppression, enable neighbor
	# suppression on the port and check that on both VLANs ARP requests are
	# suppressed.
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 link set dev vx0 neigh_vlan_suppress off"
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 -d link show dev vx0 | grep \"neigh_vlan_suppress off\""
	log_test $? 0 "\"neigh_vlan_suppress\" is off"

	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 link set dev vx0 neigh_suppress on"
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 -d link show dev vx0 | grep \"neigh_suppress on\""
	log_test $? 0 "\"neigh_suppress\" is on"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 arping -q -b -c 1 -w 5 -s $sip1 -I eth0.$vid1 $tip1"
	log_test $? 0 "arping (VLAN $vid1)"
	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 arping -q -b -c 1 -w 5 -s $sip2 -I eth0.$vid2 $tip2"
	log_test $? 0 "arping (VLAN $vid2)"

	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 2
	log_test $? 0 "ARP suppression (VLAN $vid1)"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 102 5
	log_test $? 0 "ARP suppression (VLAN $vid2)"

	local vid1=10
	local vid2=20
	local saddr1=2001:db8:1::1
	local saddr2=2001:db8:2::1
	local daddr1=2001:db8:1::2
	local daddr2=2001:db8:2::2
	local maddr=ff02::1:ff00:2
	local h2_mac1
	local h2_mac2

	echo "Per-{Port, VLAN} NS suppression"
	echo "-------------------------------"

	run_cmd "tc -n sw1 qdisc replace dev vx0 clsact"
	run_cmd "tc -n sw1 filter replace dev vx0 egress pref 1 handle 101 proto ipv6 flower indev swp1 ip_proto icmpv6 dst_ip $maddr src_ip $saddr1 type 135 code 0 action pass"
	run_cmd "tc -n sw1 filter replace dev vx0 egress pref 1 handle 102 proto ipv6 flower indev swp1 ip_proto icmpv6 dst_ip $maddr src_ip $saddr2 type 135 code 0 action pass"

	h2_mac1=$(ip -n h2 -j -p link show eth0.$vid1 | jq -r '.[]["address"]')
	h2_mac2=$(ip -n h2 -j -p link show eth0.$vid2 | jq -r '.[]["address"]')
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 fdb replace $h2_mac1 dev vx0 master static vlan $vid1"
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 fdb replace $h2_mac2 dev vx0 master static vlan $vid2"
	run_cmd "ip -n sw1 neigh replace $daddr1 lladdr $h2_mac1 nud permanent dev br0.$vid1"
	run_cmd "ip -n sw1 neigh replace $daddr2 lladdr $h2_mac2 nud permanent dev br0.$vid2"

	# Enable per-{Port, VLAN} neighbor suppression and check that NS
	# messages are not suppressed and that ND messages are received.
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 link set dev vx0 neigh_vlan_suppress on"
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 -d link show dev vx0 | grep \"neigh_vlan_suppress on\""
	log_test $? 0 "\"neigh_vlan_suppress\" is on"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 ndisc6 -q -r 1 -s $saddr1 -w 5000 $daddr1 eth0.$vid1"
	log_test $? 0 "ndisc6 (VLAN $vid1)"
	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 ndisc6 -q -r 1 -s $saddr2 -w 5000 $daddr2 eth0.$vid2"
	log_test $? 0 "ndisc6 (VLAN $vid2)"

	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 1
	log_test $? 0 "NS suppression (VLAN $vid1)"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 102 1
	log_test $? 0 "NS suppression (VLAN $vid2)"

	# Enable neighbor suppression on VLAN 10 and check that only on this
	# VLAN NS messages are suppressed.
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 vlan set vid $vid1 dev vx0 neigh_suppress on"
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 -d vlan show dev vx0 vid $vid1 | grep \"neigh_suppress on\""
	log_test $? 0 "\"neigh_suppress\" is on (VLAN $vid1)"
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 -d vlan show dev vx0 vid $vid2 | grep \"neigh_suppress off\""
	log_test $? 0 "\"neigh_suppress\" is off (VLAN $vid2)"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 ndisc6 -q -r 1 -s $saddr1 -w 5000 $daddr1 eth0.$vid1"
	log_test $? 0 "ndisc6 (VLAN $vid1)"
	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 ndisc6 -q -r 1 -s $saddr2 -w 5000 $daddr2 eth0.$vid2"
	log_test $? 0 "ndisc6 (VLAN $vid2)"

	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 1
	log_test $? 0 "NS suppression (VLAN $vid1)"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 102 2
	log_test $? 0 "NS suppression (VLAN $vid2)"

	# Enable neighbor suppression on the port and check that it has no
	# effect compared to previous state.
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 link set dev vx0 neigh_suppress on"
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 -d link show dev vx0 | grep \"neigh_suppress on\""
	log_test $? 0 "\"neigh_suppress\" is on"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 ndisc6 -q -r 1 -s $saddr1 -w 5000 $daddr1 eth0.$vid1"
	log_test $? 0 "ndisc6 (VLAN $vid1)"
	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 ndisc6 -q -r 1 -s $saddr2 -w 5000 $daddr2 eth0.$vid2"
	log_test $? 0 "ndisc6 (VLAN $vid2)"

	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 1
	log_test $? 0 "NS suppression (VLAN $vid1)"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 102 3
	log_test $? 0 "NS suppression (VLAN $vid2)"

	# Disable neighbor suppression on the port and check that it has no
	# effect compared to previous state.
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 link set dev vx0 neigh_suppress off"
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 -d link show dev vx0 | grep \"neigh_suppress off\""
	log_test $? 0 "\"neigh_suppress\" is off"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 ndisc6 -q -r 1 -s $saddr1 -w 5000 $daddr1 eth0.$vid1"
	log_test $? 0 "ndisc6 (VLAN $vid1)"
	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 ndisc6 -q -r 1 -s $saddr2 -w 5000 $daddr2 eth0.$vid2"
	log_test $? 0 "ndisc6 (VLAN $vid2)"

	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 1
	log_test $? 0 "NS suppression (VLAN $vid1)"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 102 4
	log_test $? 0 "NS suppression (VLAN $vid2)"

	# Disable neighbor suppression on VLAN 10 and check that NS messages
	# are no longer suppressed on this VLAN.
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 vlan set vid $vid1 dev vx0 neigh_suppress off"
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 -d vlan show dev vx0 vid $vid1 | grep \"neigh_suppress off\""
	log_test $? 0 "\"neigh_suppress\" is off (VLAN $vid1)"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 ndisc6 -q -r 1 -s $saddr1 -w 5000 $daddr1 eth0.$vid1"
	log_test $? 0 "ndisc6 (VLAN $vid1)"
	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 ndisc6 -q -r 1 -s $saddr2 -w 5000 $daddr2 eth0.$vid2"
	log_test $? 0 "ndisc6 (VLAN $vid2)"

	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 2
	log_test $? 0 "NS suppression (VLAN $vid1)"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 102 5
	log_test $? 0 "NS suppression (VLAN $vid2)"

	# Disable per-{Port, VLAN} neighbor suppression, enable neighbor
	# suppression on the port and check that on both VLANs NS messages are
	# suppressed.
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 link set dev vx0 neigh_vlan_suppress off"
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 -d link show dev vx0 | grep \"neigh_vlan_suppress off\""
	log_test $? 0 "\"neigh_vlan_suppress\" is off"

	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 link set dev vx0 neigh_suppress on"
	run_cmd "bridge -n sw1 -d link show dev vx0 | grep \"neigh_suppress on\""
	log_test $? 0 "\"neigh_suppress\" is on"

	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 ndisc6 -q -r 1 -s $saddr1 -w 5000 $daddr1 eth0.$vid1"
	log_test $? 0 "ndisc6 (VLAN $vid1)"
	run_cmd "ip netns exec h1 ndisc6 -q -r 1 -s $saddr2 -w 5000 $daddr2 eth0.$vid2"
	log_test $? 0 "ndisc6 (VLAN $vid2)"

	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 101 2
	log_test $? 0 "NS suppression (VLAN $vid1)"
	tc_check_packets sw1 "dev vx0 egress" 102 5
	log_test $? 0 "NS suppression (VLAN $vid2)"

# Usage

	cat <<EOF
usage: ${0##*/} OPTS

        -t <test>   Test(s) to run (default: all)
                    (options: $TESTS)
        -p          Pause on fail
        -P          Pause after each test before cleanup
        -v          Verbose mode (show commands and output)

# Main

trap cleanup EXIT

while getopts ":t:pPvh" opt; do
	case $opt in
		p) PAUSE_ON_FAIL=yes;;
		P) PAUSE=yes;;
		v) VERBOSE=$(($VERBOSE + 1));;
		h) usage; exit 0;;
		*) usage; exit 1;;

# Make sure we don't pause twice.
[ "${PAUSE}" = "yes" ] && PAUSE_ON_FAIL=no

if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ];then
	echo "SKIP: Need root privileges"
	exit $ksft_skip;

if [ ! -x "$(command -v ip)" ]; then
	echo "SKIP: Could not run test without ip tool"
	exit $ksft_skip

if [ ! -x "$(command -v bridge)" ]; then
	echo "SKIP: Could not run test without bridge tool"
	exit $ksft_skip

if [ ! -x "$(command -v tc)" ]; then
	echo "SKIP: Could not run test without tc tool"
	exit $ksft_skip

if [ ! -x "$(command -v arping)" ]; then
	echo "SKIP: Could not run test without arping tool"
	exit $ksft_skip

if [ ! -x "$(command -v ndisc6)" ]; then
	echo "SKIP: Could not run test without ndisc6 tool"
	exit $ksft_skip

if [ ! -x "$(command -v jq)" ]; then
	echo "SKIP: Could not run test without jq tool"
	exit $ksft_skip

bridge link help 2>&1 | grep -q "neigh_vlan_suppress"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
   echo "SKIP: iproute2 bridge too old, missing per-VLAN neighbor suppression support"
   exit $ksft_skip

# Start clean.

for t in $TESTS
	setup; $t; cleanup;

if [ "$TESTS" != "none" ]; then
	printf "\nTests passed: %3d\n" ${nsuccess}
	printf "Tests failed: %3d\n"   ${nfail}

exit $ret