========= rtla ========= -------------------------------- Real-time Linux Analysis tool -------------------------------- :Manual section: 1 SYNOPSIS ======== **rtla** *COMMAND* [*OPTIONS*] DESCRIPTION =========== The **rtla** is a meta-tool that includes a set of commands that aims to analyze the real-time properties of Linux. But instead of testing Linux as a black box, **rtla** leverages kernel tracing capabilities to provide precise information about the properties and root causes of unexpected results. COMMANDS ======== **osnoise** Gives information about the operating system noise (osnoise). **timerlat** Measures the IRQ and thread timer latency. OPTIONS ======= **-h**, **--help** Display the help text. For other options, see the man page for the corresponding command. SEE ALSO ======== **rtla-osnoise**\(1), **rtla-timerlat**\(1) AUTHOR ====== Daniel Bristot de Oliveira <bristot@kernel.org> .. include:: common_appendix.rst