// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
 * Copyright 2020, Compass Electronics Group, LLC

#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
#include <dt-bindings/input/input.h>
#include <dt-bindings/clock/versaclock.h>

/ {
	backlight_lvds: backlight-lvds {
		compatible = "pwm-backlight";
		power-supply = <&reg_lcd>;
		enable-gpios = <&gpio_exp1 3 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
		pwms = <&pwm2 0 25000>;
		brightness-levels = <0 4 8 16 32 64 128 255>;
		default-brightness-level = <6>;

	backlight_dpi: backlight-dpi {
		compatible = "pwm-backlight";
		power-supply = <&reg_lcd>;
		enable-gpios = <&gpio_exp1 7 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
		pwms = <&pwm0 0 25000>;
		brightness-levels = <0 25 33 50 63 75 88 100>;
		default-brightness-level = <6>;

	hdmi0-out {
		compatible = "hdmi-connector";
		type = "a";

		port {
			hdmi0_con: endpoint {
				remote-endpoint = <&rcar_dw_hdmi0_out>;

	keys {
		compatible = "gpio-keys";

		key-1 { /* S19 */
			gpios = <&gpio4 6 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
			linux,code = <KEY_UP>;
			label = "Up";
			debounce-interval = <20>;
		key-2 { /*S20 */
			gpios = <&gpio3 13 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
			linux,code = <KEY_LEFT>;
			label = "Left";
			debounce-interval = <20>;
		key-3 { /* S21 */
			gpios = <&gpio5 17 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
			linux,code = <KEY_DOWN>;
			label = "Down";
			debounce-interval = <20>;
		key-4 { /* S22 */
			gpios = <&gpio5 20 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
			linux,code = <KEY_RIGHT>;
			label = "Right";
			debounce-interval = <20>;
		key-5 { /* S23 */
			gpios = <&gpio5 22 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
			linux,code = <KEY_ENTER>;
			label = "Center";
			debounce-interval = <20>;

	leds {
		compatible = "gpio-leds";
		pinctrl-0 = <&led_pins>;
		pinctrl-names = "default";

		led0 {
			gpios = <&gpio0 4 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
			label = "LED0";
			linux,default-trigger = "heartbeat";
		led1 {
			gpios = <&gpio7 0 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
			label = "LED1";
		led2 {
			gpios = <&gpio7 1 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
			label = "LED2";
		led3 {
			gpios = <&gpio7 3 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
			label = "LED3";

	lvds {
		compatible = "panel-lvds";
		power-supply = <&reg_lcd_reset>;
		width-mm = <223>;
		height-mm = <125>;
		backlight = <&backlight_lvds>;
		data-mapping = "vesa-24";

		panel-timing {
			/* 800x480@60Hz */
			clock-frequency = <30000000>;
			hactive = <800>;
			vactive = <480>;
			hsync-len = <48>;
			hfront-porch = <40>;
			hback-porch = <40>;
			vfront-porch = <13>;
			vback-porch = <29>;
			vsync-len = <1>;
			hsync-active = <1>;
			vsync-active = <3>;
			de-active = <1>;
			pixelclk-active = <0>;

		port {
			panel_in: endpoint {
				remote-endpoint = <&lvds0_out>;

	rgb {
		/* Different LCD with compatible timings */
		compatible = "rocktech,rk070er9427";
		backlight = <&backlight_dpi>;
		enable-gpios = <&gpio1 21 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
		power-supply = <&reg_lcd>;
		port {
			rgb_panel: endpoint {
				remote-endpoint = <&du_out_rgb>;

	reg_audio: regulator-audio {
		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
		regulator-name = "audio-1.8V";
		regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
		regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
		gpio = <&gpio_exp4 1 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;

	reg_lcd: regulator-lcd {
		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
		regulator-name = "lcd_panel_pwr";
		regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
		regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
		gpio = <&gpio_exp1 1 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;

	reg_lcd_reset: regulator-lcd-reset {
		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
		regulator-name = "nLCD_RESET";
		regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
		regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
		gpio = <&gpio5 3 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
		vin-supply = <&reg_lcd>;

	reg_cam0: regulator-cam0 {
		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
		regulator-name = "reg_cam0";
		regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
		regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
		gpio = <&gpio_exp2 2 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;

	reg_cam1: regulator-cam1 {
		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
		regulator-name = "reg_cam1";
		regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
		regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
		gpio = <&gpio_exp2 5 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
		startup-delay-us = <100000>;

	sound_card {
		compatible = "audio-graph-card";
		label = "rcar-sound";
		dais = <&rsnd_port0>, <&rsnd_port1>;
		widgets = "Microphone", "Mic Jack",
			  "Line", "Line In Jack",
			  "Headphone", "Headphone Jack";
		mic-det-gpio = <&gpio0 2 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
		routing = "Headphone Jack", "HPOUTL",
			 "Headphone Jack", "HPOUTR",
			 "IN3R", "MICBIAS",
			 "Mic Jack", "IN3R";

	vccq_sdhi0: regulator-vccq-sdhi0 {
		compatible = "regulator-gpio";
		regulator-name = "SDHI0 VccQ";
		regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
		regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
		gpios = <&gpio6 30 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
		gpios-states = <1>;
		states = <3300000 1>, <1800000 0>;

	/* External DU dot clocks */
	x302_clk: x302-clock {
		compatible = "fixed-clock";
		#clock-cells = <0>;
		clock-frequency = <33000000>;

	x304_clk: x304-clock {
		compatible = "fixed-clock";
		#clock-cells = <0>;
		clock-frequency = <25000000>;

	connector {
		compatible = "usb-c-connector";
		label = "USB-C";
		data-role = "dual";

		ports {
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;
			port@0 {
				reg = <0>;
				hs_ep: endpoint {
					remote-endpoint = <&usb3_hs_ep>;
			port@1 {
				reg = <1>;
				ss_ep: endpoint {
					remote-endpoint = <&hd3ss3220_in_ep>;

&audio_clk_b {
	clock-frequency = <22579200>;

&can0 {
	pinctrl-0 = <&can0_pins>;
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	renesas,can-clock-select = <0x0>;
	status = "okay";

&can1 {
	pinctrl-0 = <&can1_pins>;
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	renesas,can-clock-select = <0x0>;
	status = "okay";

&du {
	ports {
		port@0 {
			du_out_rgb: endpoint {
				remote-endpoint = <&rgb_panel>;

&ehci0 {
	dr_mode = "otg";
	status = "okay";
	clocks = <&cpg CPG_MOD 703>, <&cpg CPG_MOD 704>, <&usb2_clksel>, <&versaclock5 3>;

&ehci1 {
	status = "okay";
	clocks = <&cpg CPG_MOD 703>, <&cpg CPG_MOD 704>, <&usb2_clksel>, <&versaclock5 3>;

&hdmi0 {
	status = "okay";
	ports {
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <0>;
		port@0 {
			reg = <0>;
			dw_hdmi0_in: endpoint {
				remote-endpoint = <&du_out_hdmi0>;
		port@1 {
			reg = <1>;
			rcar_dw_hdmi0_out: endpoint {
				remote-endpoint = <&hdmi0_con>;
		port@2 {
			reg = <2>;
			dw_hdmi0_snd_in: endpoint {
				remote-endpoint = <&rsnd_endpoint1>;

&hscif1 {
	pinctrl-0 = <&hscif1_pins>;
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	status = "okay";

&hsusb {
	dr_mode = "otg";
	status = "okay";

&i2c2 {
	status = "okay";
	clock-frequency = <400000>;
	pinctrl-0 = <&i2c2_pins>;
	pinctrl-names = "default";

	gpio_exp2: gpio@21 {
		compatible = "onnn,pca9654";
		reg = <0x21>;
		#gpio-cells = <2>;

	gpio_exp3: gpio@22 {
		compatible = "onnn,pca9654";
		reg = <0x22>;
		#gpio-cells = <2>;

	gpio_exp4: gpio@23 {
		compatible = "onnn,pca9654";
		reg = <0x23>;
		#gpio-cells = <2>;

	versaclock6_bb: clock-controller@6a {
		compatible = "idt,5p49v6965";
		reg = <0x6a>;
		#clock-cells = <1>;
		clocks = <&x304_clk>;
		clock-names = "xin";

		assigned-clocks = <&versaclock6_bb 1>, <&versaclock6_bb 2>,
				  <&versaclock6_bb 3>, <&versaclock6_bb 4>;
		assigned-clock-rates = <24000000>, <24000000>, <24576000>,

		OUT1 {
			idt,mode = <VC5_CMOS>;
			idt,voltage-microvolt = <1800000>;
			idt,slew-percent = <100>;

		OUT2 {
			idt,mode = <VC5_CMOS>;
			idt,voltage-microvolt = <1800000>;
			idt,slew-percent = <100>;

		OUT3 {
			idt,mode = <VC5_CMOS>;
			idt,voltage-microvolt = <3300000>;
			idt,slew-percent = <100>;

		OUT4 {
			idt,mode = <VC5_CMOS>;
			idt,voltage-microvolt = <3300000>;
			idt,slew-percent = <100>;

&i2c0 {
	status = "okay";
	clock-frequency = <400000>;

	pinctrl-0 = <&i2c0_pins>;
	pinctrl-names = "default";

&i2c5 {
	status = "okay";
	clock-frequency = <400000>;
	pinctrl-0 = <&i2c5_pins>;
	pinctrl-names = "default";

	codec: wm8962@1a {
		compatible = "wlf,wm8962";
		reg = <0x1a>;
		clocks = <&versaclock6_bb 3>;
		DCVDD-supply = <&reg_audio>;
		DBVDD-supply = <&reg_audio>;
		AVDD-supply = <&reg_audio>;
		CPVDD-supply = <&reg_audio>;
		MICVDD-supply = <&reg_audio>;
		PLLVDD-supply = <&reg_audio>;
		SPKVDD1-supply = <&reg_audio>;
		SPKVDD2-supply = <&reg_audio>;
		gpio-cfg = <
			0x0000 /* 0:Default */
			0x0000 /* 1:Default */
			0x0000 /* 2:Default */
			0x0000 /* 3:Default */
			0x0000 /* 4:Default */
			0x0000 /* 5:Default */
		port {
			wm8962_endpoint: endpoint {
				remote-endpoint = <&rsnd_endpoint0>;

	touchscreen@26 {
		compatible = "ilitek,ili2117";
		reg = <0x26>;
		interrupt-parent = <&gpio5>;
		interrupts = <9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;

	hd3ss3220@47 {
		compatible = "ti,hd3ss3220";
		reg = <0x47>;
		interrupt-parent = <&gpio6>;
		interrupts = <4 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;

		ports {
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;
			port@0 {
				reg = <0>;
				hd3ss3220_in_ep: endpoint {
					remote-endpoint = <&ss_ep>;
			port@1 {
				reg = <1>;
				hd3ss3220_out_ep: endpoint {
					remote-endpoint = <&usb3_role_switch>;

	gpio_exp1: gpio@70 {
		compatible = "nxp,pca9538";
		reg = <0x70>;
		#gpio-cells = <2>;
		gpio-line-names = "lcd_reset", "lcd_pwr", "lcd_select",
				  "backlight-enable", "Touch_shdwn",
				  "LCD_H_pol", "lcd_V_pol";

&lvds0 {
	status = "okay";

	ports {
		port@1 {
			lvds0_out: endpoint {
				remote-endpoint = <&panel_in>;

&msiof1 {
	pinctrl-0 = <&msiof1_pins>;
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	status = "okay";
	cs-gpios = <&gpio3 10 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;

&ohci0 {
	dr_mode = "otg";
	status = "okay";

&ohci1 {
	status = "okay";

&pciec0 {
	status = "okay";

&pciec1 {
	status = "okay";

&pcie_bus_clk {
	clock-frequency = <100000000>;

&pfc {
	can0_pins: can0 {
		groups = "can0_data_a";
		function = "can0";

	can1_pins: can1 {
		groups = "can1_data";
		function = "can1";

	du_pins: du {
		groups = "du_rgb888", "du_sync", "du_clk_out_1", "du_disp";
		function = "du";

	i2c2_pins: i2c2 {
		groups = "i2c2_a";
		function = "i2c2";

	i2c5_pins: i2c5 {
		groups = "i2c5";
		function = "i2c5";

	led_pins: leds {
		/* GP_0_4 , AVS1, AVS2, GP_7_3 */
		pins = "GP_0_4", "GP_7_0", "GP_7_1", "GP_7_3";

	msiof1_pins: msiof1 {
		groups = "msiof1_clk_g", "msiof1_rxd_g", "msiof1_txd_g";
		function = "msiof1";

	pwm0_pins: pwm0 {
		groups = "pwm0";
		function = "pwm0";

	pwm2_pins: pwm2 {
		groups = "pwm2_a";
		function = "pwm2";

	sdhi0_pins: sd0 {
		groups = "sdhi0_data4", "sdhi0_ctrl";
		function = "sdhi0";
		power-source = <3300>;

	sdhi0_pins_uhs: sd0_uhs {
		groups = "sdhi0_data4", "sdhi0_ctrl";
		function = "sdhi0";
		power-source = <1800>;

	sound_pins: sound {
		groups = "ssi01239_ctrl", "ssi0_data", "ssi1_data_a";
		function = "ssi";

	sound_clk_pins: sound_clk {
		groups = "audio_clk_a_a", "audio_clk_b_a";
		function = "audio_clk";

	usb0_pins: usb0 {
		mux {
			groups = "usb0";
			function = "usb0";

	usb1_pins: usb1 {
		mux {
			groups = "usb1";
			function = "usb1";

	usb30_pins: usb30 {
		mux {
			groups = "usb30";
			function = "usb30";

&pwm0 {
	pinctrl-0 = <&pwm0_pins>;
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	status = "okay";

&pwm2 {
	pinctrl-0 = <&pwm2_pins>;
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	status = "okay";

&rcar_sound {
	pinctrl-0 = <&sound_pins>, <&sound_clk_pins>;
	pinctrl-names = "default";

	/* Single DAI */
	#sound-dai-cells = <0>;

	/* audio_clkout0/1/2/3 */
	#clock-cells = <1>;
	clock-frequency = <11289600>;

	/* Reference versaclock instead of audio_clk_a */
	clocks = <&cpg CPG_MOD 1005>,
		 <&cpg CPG_MOD 1006>, <&cpg CPG_MOD 1007>,
		 <&cpg CPG_MOD 1008>, <&cpg CPG_MOD 1009>,
		 <&cpg CPG_MOD 1010>, <&cpg CPG_MOD 1011>,
		 <&cpg CPG_MOD 1012>, <&cpg CPG_MOD 1013>,
		 <&cpg CPG_MOD 1014>, <&cpg CPG_MOD 1015>,
		 <&cpg CPG_MOD 1022>, <&cpg CPG_MOD 1023>,
		 <&cpg CPG_MOD 1024>, <&cpg CPG_MOD 1025>,
		 <&cpg CPG_MOD 1026>, <&cpg CPG_MOD 1027>,
		 <&cpg CPG_MOD 1028>, <&cpg CPG_MOD 1029>,
		 <&cpg CPG_MOD 1030>, <&cpg CPG_MOD 1031>,
		 <&cpg CPG_MOD 1020>, <&cpg CPG_MOD 1021>,
		 <&cpg CPG_MOD 1020>, <&cpg CPG_MOD 1021>,
		 <&cpg CPG_MOD 1019>, <&cpg CPG_MOD 1018>,
		 <&versaclock6_bb 4>, <&audio_clk_b>,

	status = "okay";

	ports {
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <0>;
		rsnd_port0: port@0 {
			reg = <0>;
			rsnd_endpoint0: endpoint {
				remote-endpoint = <&wm8962_endpoint>;

				dai-format = "i2s";
				bitclock-master = <&rsnd_endpoint0>;
				frame-master = <&rsnd_endpoint0>;

				playback = <&ssi1>, <&dvc1>, <&src1>;
				capture = <&ssi0>;
		rsnd_port1: port@1 {
		    reg = <0x01>;
			rsnd_endpoint1: endpoint {
				remote-endpoint = <&dw_hdmi0_snd_in>;

				dai-format = "i2s";
				bitclock-master = <&rsnd_endpoint1>;
				frame-master = <&rsnd_endpoint1>;

				playback = <&ssi2>;

&rwdt {
	status = "okay";
	timeout-sec = <60>;

&scif0 {
	pinctrl-0 = <&scif0_pins>;
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	status = "okay";

&scif5 {
	pinctrl-0 = <&scif5_pins>;
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	status = "okay";

&scif_clk {
	clock-frequency = <14745600>;

&sdhi0 {
	pinctrl-0 = <&sdhi0_pins>;
	pinctrl-1 = <&sdhi0_pins_uhs>;
	pinctrl-names = "default", "state_uhs";
	vmmc-supply = <&reg_3p3v>;
	vqmmc-supply = <&vccq_sdhi0>;
	cd-gpios = <&gpio3 12 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
	bus-width = <4>;
	status = "okay";

&ssi1 {

&tmu0 {
	status = "okay";

&tmu1 {
	status = "okay";

&tmu2 {
	status = "okay";

&tmu3 {
	status = "okay";

&tmu4 {
	status = "okay";

&usb2_phy0 {
	pinctrl-0 = <&usb0_pins>;
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	status = "okay";

&usb2_phy1 {
	pinctrl-0 = <&usb1_pins>;
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	status = "okay";

&usb3_peri0 {
	companion = <&xhci0>;
	status = "okay";

	ports {
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <0>;
		port@0 {
			reg = <0>;
			usb3_hs_ep: endpoint {
				remote-endpoint = <&hs_ep>;
		port@1 {
			reg = <1>;
			usb3_role_switch: endpoint {
				remote-endpoint = <&hd3ss3220_out_ep>;

&usb3_phy0 {
	status = "okay";

&vin0 {
	status = "okay";
&vin1 {
	status = "okay";
&vin2 {
	status = "okay";
&vin3 {
	status = "okay";
&vin4 {
	status = "okay";
&vin5 {
	status = "okay";
&vin6 {
	status = "okay";
&vin7 {
	status = "okay";

	pinctrl-0 = <&usb30_pins>;
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	status = "okay";