/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
 * Copyright (C) 2014-15 Synopsys, Inc. (www.synopsys.com)
 * Copyright (C) 2004, 2007-2010, 2011-2012 Synopsys, Inc. (www.synopsys.com)

#ifndef __ASM_ARC_ENTRY_H
#define __ASM_ARC_ENTRY_H

#include <asm/unistd.h>		/* For NR_syscalls defination */
#include <asm/arcregs.h>
#include <asm/ptrace.h>
#include <asm/processor.h>	/* For VMALLOC_START */
#include <asm/mmu.h>

#ifdef __ASSEMBLY__

#include <asm/entry-compact.h>	/* ISA specific bits */
#include <asm/entry-arcv2.h>

/* Note on the LD/ST addr modes with addr reg wback
 * LD.a same as LD.aw
 * LD.a    reg1, [reg2, x]  => Pre Incr
 *      Eff Addr for load = [reg2 + x]
 * LD.ab   reg1, [reg2, x]  => Post Incr
 *      Eff Addr for load = [reg2]

.macro PUSH reg
	st.a	\reg, [sp, -4]

.macro PUSHAX aux
	lr	r9, [\aux]
	PUSH	r9

.macro POP reg
	ld.ab	\reg, [sp, 4]

.macro POPAX aux
	POP	r9
	sr	r9, [\aux]

 * Helpers to save/restore Scratch Regs:
 * used by Interrupt/Exception Prologue/Epilogue
.macro  SAVE_R0_TO_R12
	PUSH	r0
	PUSH	r1
	PUSH	r2
	PUSH	r3
	PUSH	r4
	PUSH	r5
	PUSH	r6
	PUSH	r7
	PUSH	r8
	PUSH	r9
	PUSH	r10
	PUSH	r11
	PUSH	r12

.macro RESTORE_R12_TO_R0
	POP	r12
	POP	r11
	POP	r10
	POP	r9
	POP	r8
	POP	r7
	POP	r6
	POP	r5
	POP	r4
	POP	r3
	POP	r2
	POP	r1
	POP	r0


 * Helpers to save/restore callee-saved regs:
 * used by several macros below
.macro SAVE_R13_TO_R25
	PUSH	r13
	PUSH	r14
	PUSH	r15
	PUSH	r16
	PUSH	r17
	PUSH	r18
	PUSH	r19
	PUSH	r20
	PUSH	r21
	PUSH	r22
	PUSH	r23
	PUSH	r24
	PUSH	r25

.macro RESTORE_R25_TO_R13
	POP	r25
	POP	r24
	POP	r23
	POP	r22
	POP	r21
	POP	r20
	POP	r19
	POP	r18
	POP	r17
	POP	r16
	POP	r15
	POP	r14
	POP	r13

 * save user mode callee regs as struct callee_regs
 *  - needed by fork/do_signal/unaligned-access-emulation.

 * restore user mode callee regs as struct callee_regs
 *  - could have been changed by ptrace tracer or unaligned-access fixup

 * save/restore kernel mode callee regs at the time of context switch


 * Super FAST Restore callee saved regs by simply re-adjusting SP
	add     sp, sp, SZ_CALLEE_REGS

 * given a tsk struct, get to the base of it's kernel mode stack
 * tsk->thread_info is really a PAGE, whose bottom hoists stack
 * which grows upwards towards thread_info

.macro GET_TSK_STACK_BASE tsk, out

	/* Get task->thread_info (this is essentially start of a PAGE) */
	ld  \out, [\tsk, TASK_THREAD_INFO]

	/* Go to end of page where stack begins (grows upwards) */
	add2 \out, \out, (THREAD_SIZE)/4


 * @reg [OUT] thread_info->flags of "current"
	ld  \reg, [\reg, THREAD_INFO_FLAGS]


 * Retrieve the current running task on this CPU
 *  - loads it from backing _current_task[] (and can't use the
 *    caching reg for current task
.macro  GET_CURR_TASK_ON_CPU   reg
	GET_CPU_ID  \reg
	ld.as  \reg, [@_current_task, \reg]

 * Save a new task as the "current" task on this CPU
 * 1. Determine curr CPU id.
 * 2. Use it to index into _current_task[ ]
 * Coded differently than GET_CURR_TASK_ON_CPU (which uses LD.AS)
 * because ST r0, [r1, offset] can ONLY have s9 @offset
 * while   LD can take s9 (4 byte insn) or LIMM (8 byte insn)

.macro  SET_CURR_TASK_ON_CPU    tsk, tmp
	GET_CPU_ID  \tmp
	add2 \tmp, @_current_task, \tmp
	st   \tsk, [\tmp]
	mov gp, \tsk


#else   /* Uniprocessor implementation of macros */

.macro  GET_CURR_TASK_ON_CPU    reg
	ld  \reg, [@_current_task]

.macro  SET_CURR_TASK_ON_CPU    tsk, tmp
	st  \tsk, [@_current_task]
	mov gp, \tsk

#endif /* SMP / UNI */

 * Get the ptr to some field of Current Task at @off in task struct
 *  - Uses current task cached in reg if enabled

.macro GET_CURR_TASK_FIELD_PTR  off,  reg
	add \reg, gp, \off


.macro GET_CURR_TASK_FIELD_PTR  off,  reg
	add \reg, \reg, \off


#else	/* !__ASSEMBLY__ */

extern void do_signal(struct pt_regs *);
extern void do_notify_resume(struct pt_regs *);
extern int do_privilege_fault(unsigned long, struct pt_regs *);
extern int do_extension_fault(unsigned long, struct pt_regs *);
extern int insterror_is_error(unsigned long, struct pt_regs *);
extern int do_memory_error(unsigned long, struct pt_regs *);
extern int trap_is_brkpt(unsigned long, struct pt_regs *);
extern int do_misaligned_error(unsigned long, struct pt_regs *);
extern int do_trap5_error(unsigned long, struct pt_regs *);
extern int do_misaligned_access(unsigned long, struct pt_regs *, struct callee_regs *);
extern void do_machine_check_fault(unsigned long, struct pt_regs *);
extern void do_non_swi_trap(unsigned long, struct pt_regs *);
extern void do_insterror_or_kprobe(unsigned long, struct pt_regs *);
extern void do_page_fault(unsigned long, struct pt_regs *);


#endif  /* __ASM_ARC_ENTRY_H */