# export-to-sqlite.py: export perf data to a sqlite3 database
# Copyright (c) 2017, Intel Corporation.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import sys
import struct
import datetime

# To use this script you will need to have installed package python-pyside which
# provides LGPL-licensed Python bindings for Qt.  You will also need the package
# libqt4-sql-sqlite for Qt sqlite3 support.
# Examples of installing pyside:
# ubuntu:
#	$ sudo apt-get install python-pyside.qtsql libqt4-sql-psql
#	Alternately, to use Python3 and/or pyside 2, one of the following:
#		$ sudo apt-get install python3-pyside.qtsql libqt4-sql-psql
#		$ sudo apt-get install python-pyside2.qtsql libqt5sql5-psql
#		$ sudo apt-get install python3-pyside2.qtsql libqt5sql5-psql
# fedora:
#	$ sudo yum install python-pyside
#	Alternately, to use Python3 and/or pyside 2, one of the following:
#		$ sudo yum install python3-pyside
#		$ pip install --user PySide2
#		$ pip3 install --user PySide2
# An example of using this script with Intel PT:
#	$ perf record -e intel_pt//u ls
#	$ perf script -s ~/libexec/perf-core/scripts/python/export-to-sqlite.py pt_example branches calls
#	2017-07-31 14:26:07.326913 Creating database...
#	2017-07-31 14:26:07.538097 Writing records...
#	2017-07-31 14:26:09.889292 Adding indexes
#	2017-07-31 14:26:09.958746 Done
# To browse the database, sqlite3 can be used e.g.
#	$ sqlite3 pt_example
#	sqlite> .header on
#	sqlite> select * from samples_view where id < 10;
#	sqlite> .mode column
#	sqlite> select * from samples_view where id < 10;
#	sqlite> .tables
#	sqlite> .schema samples_view
#	sqlite> .quit
# An example of using the database is provided by the script
# exported-sql-viewer.py.  Refer to that script for details.
# The database structure is practically the same as created by the script
# export-to-postgresql.py. Refer to that script for details.  A notable
# difference is  the 'transaction' column of the 'samples' table which is
# renamed 'transaction_' in sqlite because 'transaction' is a reserved word.

pyside_version_1 = True
if not "pyside-version-1" in sys.argv:
		from PySide2.QtSql import *
		pyside_version_1 = False

if pyside_version_1:
	from PySide.QtSql import *

sys.path.append(os.environ['PERF_EXEC_PATH'] + \

# These perf imports are not used at present
#from perf_trace_context import *
#from Core import *

perf_db_export_mode = True
perf_db_export_calls = False
perf_db_export_callchains = False

def printerr(*args, **keyword_args):
	print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **keyword_args)

def printdate(*args, **kw_args):
        print(datetime.datetime.today(), *args, sep=' ', **kw_args)

def usage():
	printerr("Usage is: export-to-sqlite.py <database name> [<columns>] [<calls>] [<callchains>] [<pyside-version-1>]");
	printerr("where:  columns            'all' or 'branches'");
	printerr("        calls              'calls' => create calls and call_paths table");
	printerr("        callchains         'callchains' => create call_paths table");
	printerr("        pyside-version-1   'pyside-version-1' => use pyside version 1");
	raise Exception("Too few or bad arguments")

if (len(sys.argv) < 2):

dbname = sys.argv[1]

if (len(sys.argv) >= 3):
	columns = sys.argv[2]
	columns = "all"

if columns not in ("all", "branches"):

branches = (columns == "branches")

for i in range(3,len(sys.argv)):
	if (sys.argv[i] == "calls"):
		perf_db_export_calls = True
	elif (sys.argv[i] == "callchains"):
		perf_db_export_callchains = True
	elif (sys.argv[i] == "pyside-version-1"):

def do_query(q, s):
	if (q.exec_(s)):
	raise Exception("Query failed: " + q.lastError().text())

def do_query_(q):
	if (q.exec_()):
	raise Exception("Query failed: " + q.lastError().text())

printdate("Creating database ...")

db_exists = False
	f = open(dbname)
	db_exists = True

if db_exists:
	raise Exception(dbname + " already exists")

db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase('QSQLITE')

query = QSqlQuery(db)

do_query(query, 'PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF')
do_query(query, 'BEGIN TRANSACTION')

do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE selected_events ('
		'id		integer		NOT NULL	PRIMARY KEY,'
		'name		varchar(80))')
do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE machines ('
		'id		integer		NOT NULL	PRIMARY KEY,'
		'pid		integer,'
		'root_dir 	varchar(4096))')
do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE threads ('
		'id		integer		NOT NULL	PRIMARY KEY,'
		'machine_id	bigint,'
		'process_id	bigint,'
		'pid		integer,'
		'tid		integer)')
do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE comms ('
		'id		integer		NOT NULL	PRIMARY KEY,'
		'comm		varchar(16),'
		'c_thread_id	bigint,'
		'c_time		bigint,'
		'exec_flag	boolean)')
do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE comm_threads ('
		'id		integer		NOT NULL	PRIMARY KEY,'
		'comm_id	bigint,'
		'thread_id	bigint)')
do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE dsos ('
		'id		integer		NOT NULL	PRIMARY KEY,'
		'machine_id	bigint,'
		'short_name	varchar(256),'
		'long_name	varchar(4096),'
		'build_id	varchar(64))')
do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE symbols ('
		'id		integer		NOT NULL	PRIMARY KEY,'
		'dso_id		bigint,'
		'sym_start	bigint,'
		'sym_end	bigint,'
		'binding	integer,'
		'name		varchar(2048))')
do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE branch_types ('
		'id		integer		NOT NULL	PRIMARY KEY,'
		'name		varchar(80))')

if branches:
	do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE samples ('
		'id		integer		NOT NULL	PRIMARY KEY,'
		'evsel_id	bigint,'
		'machine_id	bigint,'
		'thread_id	bigint,'
		'comm_id	bigint,'
		'dso_id		bigint,'
		'symbol_id	bigint,'
		'sym_offset	bigint,'
		'ip		bigint,'
		'time		bigint,'
		'cpu		integer,'
		'to_dso_id	bigint,'
		'to_symbol_id	bigint,'
		'to_sym_offset	bigint,'
		'to_ip		bigint,'
		'branch_type	integer,'
		'in_tx		boolean,'
		'call_path_id	bigint,'
		'insn_count	bigint,'
		'cyc_count	bigint,'
		'flags		integer)')
	do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE samples ('
		'id		integer		NOT NULL	PRIMARY KEY,'
		'evsel_id	bigint,'
		'machine_id	bigint,'
		'thread_id	bigint,'
		'comm_id	bigint,'
		'dso_id		bigint,'
		'symbol_id	bigint,'
		'sym_offset	bigint,'
		'ip		bigint,'
		'time		bigint,'
		'cpu		integer,'
		'to_dso_id	bigint,'
		'to_symbol_id	bigint,'
		'to_sym_offset	bigint,'
		'to_ip		bigint,'
		'period		bigint,'
		'weight		bigint,'
		'transaction_	bigint,'
		'data_src	bigint,'
		'branch_type	integer,'
		'in_tx		boolean,'
		'call_path_id	bigint,'
		'insn_count	bigint,'
		'cyc_count	bigint,'
		'flags		integer)')

if perf_db_export_calls or perf_db_export_callchains:
	do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE call_paths ('
		'id		integer		NOT NULL	PRIMARY KEY,'
		'parent_id	bigint,'
		'symbol_id	bigint,'
		'ip		bigint)')
if perf_db_export_calls:
	do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE calls ('
		'id		integer		NOT NULL	PRIMARY KEY,'
		'thread_id	bigint,'
		'comm_id	bigint,'
		'call_path_id	bigint,'
		'call_time	bigint,'
		'return_time	bigint,'
		'branch_count	bigint,'
		'call_id	bigint,'
		'return_id	bigint,'
		'parent_call_path_id	bigint,'
		'flags		integer,'
		'parent_id	bigint,'
		'insn_count	bigint,'
		'cyc_count	bigint)')

do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE ptwrite ('
		'id		integer		NOT NULL	PRIMARY KEY,'
		'payload	bigint,'
		'exact_ip	integer)')

do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE cbr ('
		'id		integer		NOT NULL	PRIMARY KEY,'
		'cbr		integer,'
		'mhz		integer,'
		'percent	integer)')

do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE mwait ('
		'id		integer		NOT NULL	PRIMARY KEY,'
		'hints		integer,'
		'extensions	integer)')

do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE pwre ('
		'id		integer		NOT NULL	PRIMARY KEY,'
		'cstate		integer,'
		'subcstate	integer,'
		'hw		integer)')

do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE exstop ('
		'id		integer		NOT NULL	PRIMARY KEY,'
		'exact_ip	integer)')

do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE pwrx ('
		'id		integer		NOT NULL	PRIMARY KEY,'
		'deepest_cstate	integer,'
		'last_cstate	integer,'
		'wake_reason	integer)')

do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE context_switches ('
		'id		integer		NOT NULL	PRIMARY KEY,'
		'machine_id	bigint,'
		'time		bigint,'
		'cpu		integer,'
		'thread_out_id	bigint,'
		'comm_out_id	bigint,'
		'thread_in_id	bigint,'
		'comm_in_id	bigint,'
		'flags		integer)')

# printf was added to sqlite in version 3.8.3
sqlite_has_printf = False
	do_query(query, 'SELECT printf("") FROM machines')
	sqlite_has_printf = True

def emit_to_hex(x):
	if sqlite_has_printf:
		return 'printf("%x", ' + x + ')'
		return x

do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW machines_view AS '
		'CASE WHEN id=0 THEN \'unknown\' WHEN pid=-1 THEN \'host\' ELSE \'guest\' END AS host_or_guest'
	' FROM machines')

do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW dsos_view AS '
		'(SELECT host_or_guest FROM machines_view WHERE id = machine_id) AS host_or_guest,'
	' FROM dsos')

do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW symbols_view AS '
		'(SELECT short_name FROM dsos WHERE id=dso_id) AS dso,'
		'CASE WHEN binding=0 THEN \'local\' WHEN binding=1 THEN \'global\' ELSE \'weak\' END AS binding'
	' FROM symbols')

do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW threads_view AS '
		'(SELECT host_or_guest FROM machines_view WHERE id = machine_id) AS host_or_guest,'
	' FROM threads')

do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW comm_threads_view AS '
		'(SELECT comm FROM comms WHERE id = comm_id) AS command,'
		'(SELECT pid FROM threads WHERE id = thread_id) AS pid,'
		'(SELECT tid FROM threads WHERE id = thread_id) AS tid'
	' FROM comm_threads')

if perf_db_export_calls or perf_db_export_callchains:
	do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW call_paths_view AS '
			+ emit_to_hex('c.ip') + ' AS ip,'
			'(SELECT name FROM symbols WHERE id = c.symbol_id) AS symbol,'
			'(SELECT dso_id FROM symbols WHERE id = c.symbol_id) AS dso_id,'
			'(SELECT dso FROM symbols_view  WHERE id = c.symbol_id) AS dso_short_name,'
			+ emit_to_hex('p.ip') + ' AS parent_ip,'
			'p.symbol_id AS parent_symbol_id,'
			'(SELECT name FROM symbols WHERE id = p.symbol_id) AS parent_symbol,'
			'(SELECT dso_id FROM symbols WHERE id = p.symbol_id) AS parent_dso_id,'
			'(SELECT dso FROM symbols_view  WHERE id = p.symbol_id) AS parent_dso_short_name'
		' FROM call_paths c INNER JOIN call_paths p ON p.id = c.parent_id')
if perf_db_export_calls:
	do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW calls_view AS '
			'(SELECT pid FROM threads WHERE id = thread_id) AS pid,'
			'(SELECT tid FROM threads WHERE id = thread_id) AS tid,'
			'(SELECT comm FROM comms WHERE id = comm_id) AS command,'
			+ emit_to_hex('ip') + ' AS ip,'
			'(SELECT name FROM symbols WHERE id = symbol_id) AS symbol,'
			'return_time - call_time AS elapsed_time,'
			'CASE WHEN cyc_count=0 THEN CAST(0 AS FLOAT) ELSE ROUND(CAST(insn_count AS FLOAT) / cyc_count, 2) END AS IPC,'
			'CASE WHEN flags=0 THEN \'\' WHEN flags=1 THEN \'no call\' WHEN flags=2 THEN \'no return\' WHEN flags=3 THEN \'no call/return\' WHEN flags=6 THEN \'jump\' ELSE flags END AS flags,'
		' FROM calls INNER JOIN call_paths ON call_paths.id = call_path_id')

do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW samples_view AS '
		'(SELECT pid FROM threads WHERE id = thread_id) AS pid,'
		'(SELECT tid FROM threads WHERE id = thread_id) AS tid,'
		'(SELECT comm FROM comms WHERE id = comm_id) AS command,'
		'(SELECT name FROM selected_events WHERE id = evsel_id) AS event,'
		+ emit_to_hex('ip') + ' AS ip_hex,'
		'(SELECT name FROM symbols WHERE id = symbol_id) AS symbol,'
		'(SELECT short_name FROM dsos WHERE id = dso_id) AS dso_short_name,'
		+ emit_to_hex('to_ip') + ' AS to_ip_hex,'
		'(SELECT name FROM symbols WHERE id = to_symbol_id) AS to_symbol,'
		'(SELECT short_name FROM dsos WHERE id = to_dso_id) AS to_dso_short_name,'
		'(SELECT name FROM branch_types WHERE id = branch_type) AS branch_type_name,'
		'CASE WHEN cyc_count=0 THEN CAST(0 AS FLOAT) ELSE ROUND(CAST(insn_count AS FLOAT) / cyc_count, 2) END AS IPC,'
	' FROM samples')

do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW ptwrite_view AS '
		+ emit_to_hex('payload') + ' AS payload_hex,'
		'CASE WHEN exact_ip=0 THEN \'False\' ELSE \'True\' END AS exact_ip'
	' FROM ptwrite'
	' INNER JOIN samples ON samples.id = ptwrite.id')

do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW cbr_view AS '
	' FROM cbr'
	' INNER JOIN samples ON samples.id = cbr.id')

do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW mwait_view AS '
		+ emit_to_hex('hints') + ' AS hints_hex,'
		+ emit_to_hex('extensions') + ' AS extensions_hex'
	' FROM mwait'
	' INNER JOIN samples ON samples.id = mwait.id')

do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW pwre_view AS '
		'CASE WHEN hw=0 THEN \'False\' ELSE \'True\' END AS hw'
	' FROM pwre'
	' INNER JOIN samples ON samples.id = pwre.id')

do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW exstop_view AS '
		'CASE WHEN exact_ip=0 THEN \'False\' ELSE \'True\' END AS exact_ip'
	' FROM exstop'
	' INNER JOIN samples ON samples.id = exstop.id')

do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW pwrx_view AS '
		'CASE     WHEN wake_reason=1 THEN \'Interrupt\''
			' WHEN wake_reason=2 THEN \'Timer Deadline\''
			' WHEN wake_reason=4 THEN \'Monitored Address\''
			' WHEN wake_reason=8 THEN \'HW\''
			' ELSE wake_reason '
		'END AS wake_reason'
	' FROM pwrx'
	' INNER JOIN samples ON samples.id = pwrx.id')

do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW power_events_view AS '
		'selected_events.name AS event,'
		'CASE WHEN selected_events.name=\'cbr\' THEN (SELECT cbr FROM cbr WHERE cbr.id = samples.id) ELSE "" END AS cbr,'
		'CASE WHEN selected_events.name=\'cbr\' THEN (SELECT mhz FROM cbr WHERE cbr.id = samples.id) ELSE "" END AS mhz,'
		'CASE WHEN selected_events.name=\'cbr\' THEN (SELECT percent FROM cbr WHERE cbr.id = samples.id) ELSE "" END AS percent,'
		'CASE WHEN selected_events.name=\'mwait\' THEN (SELECT ' + emit_to_hex('hints') + ' FROM mwait WHERE mwait.id = samples.id) ELSE "" END AS hints_hex,'
		'CASE WHEN selected_events.name=\'mwait\' THEN (SELECT ' + emit_to_hex('extensions') + ' FROM mwait WHERE mwait.id = samples.id) ELSE "" END AS extensions_hex,'
		'CASE WHEN selected_events.name=\'pwre\' THEN (SELECT cstate FROM pwre WHERE pwre.id = samples.id) ELSE "" END AS cstate,'
		'CASE WHEN selected_events.name=\'pwre\' THEN (SELECT subcstate FROM pwre WHERE pwre.id = samples.id) ELSE "" END AS subcstate,'
		'CASE WHEN selected_events.name=\'pwre\' THEN (SELECT hw FROM pwre WHERE pwre.id = samples.id) ELSE "" END AS hw,'
		'CASE WHEN selected_events.name=\'exstop\' THEN (SELECT exact_ip FROM exstop WHERE exstop.id = samples.id) ELSE "" END AS exact_ip,'
		'CASE WHEN selected_events.name=\'pwrx\' THEN (SELECT deepest_cstate FROM pwrx WHERE pwrx.id = samples.id) ELSE "" END AS deepest_cstate,'
		'CASE WHEN selected_events.name=\'pwrx\' THEN (SELECT last_cstate FROM pwrx WHERE pwrx.id = samples.id) ELSE "" END AS last_cstate,'
		'CASE WHEN selected_events.name=\'pwrx\' THEN (SELECT '
			'CASE     WHEN wake_reason=1 THEN \'Interrupt\''
				' WHEN wake_reason=2 THEN \'Timer Deadline\''
				' WHEN wake_reason=4 THEN \'Monitored Address\''
				' WHEN wake_reason=8 THEN \'HW\''
				' ELSE wake_reason '
		' FROM pwrx WHERE pwrx.id = samples.id) ELSE "" END AS wake_reason'
	' FROM samples'
	' INNER JOIN selected_events ON selected_events.id = evsel_id'
	' WHERE selected_events.name IN (\'cbr\',\'mwait\',\'exstop\',\'pwre\',\'pwrx\')')

do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW context_switches_view AS '
		'th_out.pid AS pid_out,'
		'th_out.tid AS tid_out,'
		'comm_out.comm AS comm_out,'
		'th_in.pid AS pid_in,'
		'th_in.tid AS tid_in,'
		'comm_in.comm AS comm_in,'
		'CASE	  WHEN context_switches.flags = 0 THEN \'in\''
			' WHEN context_switches.flags = 1 THEN \'out\''
			' WHEN context_switches.flags = 3 THEN \'out preempt\''
			' ELSE context_switches.flags '
		'END AS flags'
	' FROM context_switches'
	' INNER JOIN threads AS th_out ON th_out.id   = context_switches.thread_out_id'
	' INNER JOIN threads AS th_in  ON th_in.id    = context_switches.thread_in_id'
	' INNER JOIN comms AS comm_out ON comm_out.id = context_switches.comm_out_id'
	' INNER JOIN comms AS comm_in  ON comm_in.id  = context_switches.comm_in_id')

do_query(query, 'END TRANSACTION')

evsel_query = QSqlQuery(db)
evsel_query.prepare("INSERT INTO selected_events VALUES (?, ?)")
machine_query = QSqlQuery(db)
machine_query.prepare("INSERT INTO machines VALUES (?, ?, ?)")
thread_query = QSqlQuery(db)
thread_query.prepare("INSERT INTO threads VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")
comm_query = QSqlQuery(db)
comm_query.prepare("INSERT INTO comms VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")
comm_thread_query = QSqlQuery(db)
comm_thread_query.prepare("INSERT INTO comm_threads VALUES (?, ?, ?)")
dso_query = QSqlQuery(db)
dso_query.prepare("INSERT INTO dsos VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")
symbol_query = QSqlQuery(db)
symbol_query.prepare("INSERT INTO symbols VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")
branch_type_query = QSqlQuery(db)
branch_type_query.prepare("INSERT INTO branch_types VALUES (?, ?)")
sample_query = QSqlQuery(db)
if branches:
	sample_query.prepare("INSERT INTO samples VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")
	sample_query.prepare("INSERT INTO samples VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")
if perf_db_export_calls or perf_db_export_callchains:
	call_path_query = QSqlQuery(db)
	call_path_query.prepare("INSERT INTO call_paths VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)")
if perf_db_export_calls:
	call_query = QSqlQuery(db)
	call_query.prepare("INSERT INTO calls VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")
ptwrite_query = QSqlQuery(db)
ptwrite_query.prepare("INSERT INTO ptwrite VALUES (?, ?, ?)")
cbr_query = QSqlQuery(db)
cbr_query.prepare("INSERT INTO cbr VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)")
mwait_query = QSqlQuery(db)
mwait_query.prepare("INSERT INTO mwait VALUES (?, ?, ?)")
pwre_query = QSqlQuery(db)
pwre_query.prepare("INSERT INTO pwre VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)")
exstop_query = QSqlQuery(db)
exstop_query.prepare("INSERT INTO exstop VALUES (?, ?)")
pwrx_query = QSqlQuery(db)
pwrx_query.prepare("INSERT INTO pwrx VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)")
context_switch_query = QSqlQuery(db)
context_switch_query.prepare("INSERT INTO context_switches VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")

def trace_begin():
	printdate("Writing records...")
	do_query(query, 'BEGIN TRANSACTION')
	# id == 0 means unknown.  It is easier to create records for them than replace the zeroes with NULLs
	evsel_table(0, "unknown")
	machine_table(0, 0, "unknown")
	thread_table(0, 0, 0, -1, -1)
	comm_table(0, "unknown", 0, 0, 0)
	dso_table(0, 0, "unknown", "unknown", "")
	symbol_table(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "unknown")
	sample_table(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
	if perf_db_export_calls or perf_db_export_callchains:
		call_path_table(0, 0, 0, 0)
		call_return_table(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

unhandled_count = 0

def is_table_empty(table_name):
	do_query(query, 'SELECT * FROM ' + table_name + ' LIMIT 1');
	if query.next():
		return False
	return True

def drop(table_name):
	do_query(query, 'DROP VIEW ' + table_name + '_view');
	do_query(query, 'DROP TABLE ' + table_name);

def trace_end():
	do_query(query, 'END TRANSACTION')

	printdate("Adding indexes")
	if perf_db_export_calls:
		do_query(query, 'CREATE INDEX pcpid_idx ON calls (parent_call_path_id)')
		do_query(query, 'CREATE INDEX pid_idx ON calls (parent_id)')
		do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE comms ADD has_calls boolean')
		do_query(query, 'UPDATE comms SET has_calls = 1 WHERE comms.id IN (SELECT DISTINCT comm_id FROM calls)')

	printdate("Dropping unused tables")
	if is_table_empty("ptwrite"):
	if is_table_empty("mwait") and is_table_empty("pwre") and is_table_empty("exstop") and is_table_empty("pwrx"):
		do_query(query, 'DROP VIEW power_events_view');
		if is_table_empty("cbr"):
	if is_table_empty("context_switches"):

	if (unhandled_count):
		printdate("Warning: ", unhandled_count, " unhandled events")

def trace_unhandled(event_name, context, event_fields_dict):
	global unhandled_count
	unhandled_count += 1

def sched__sched_switch(*x):

def bind_exec(q, n, x):
	for xx in x[0:n]:

def evsel_table(*x):
	bind_exec(evsel_query, 2, x)

def machine_table(*x):
	bind_exec(machine_query, 3, x)

def thread_table(*x):
	bind_exec(thread_query, 5, x)

def comm_table(*x):
	bind_exec(comm_query, 5, x)

def comm_thread_table(*x):
	bind_exec(comm_thread_query, 3, x)

def dso_table(*x):
	bind_exec(dso_query, 5, x)

def symbol_table(*x):
	bind_exec(symbol_query, 6, x)

def branch_type_table(*x):
	bind_exec(branch_type_query, 2, x)

def sample_table(*x):
	if branches:
		for xx in x[0:15]:
		for xx in x[19:25]:
		bind_exec(sample_query, 25, x)

def call_path_table(*x):
	bind_exec(call_path_query, 4, x)

def call_return_table(*x):
	bind_exec(call_query, 14, x)

def ptwrite(id, raw_buf):
	data = struct.unpack_from("<IQ", raw_buf)
	flags = data[0]
	payload = data[1]
	exact_ip = flags & 1

def cbr(id, raw_buf):
	data = struct.unpack_from("<BBBBII", raw_buf)
	cbr = data[0]
	MHz = (data[4] + 500) / 1000
	percent = ((cbr * 1000 / data[2]) + 5) / 10

def mwait(id, raw_buf):
	data = struct.unpack_from("<IQ", raw_buf)
	payload = data[1]
	hints = payload & 0xff
	extensions = (payload >> 32) & 0x3

def pwre(id, raw_buf):
	data = struct.unpack_from("<IQ", raw_buf)
	payload = data[1]
	hw = (payload >> 7) & 1
	cstate = (payload >> 12) & 0xf
	subcstate = (payload >> 8) & 0xf

def exstop(id, raw_buf):
	data = struct.unpack_from("<I", raw_buf)
	flags = data[0]
	exact_ip = flags & 1

def pwrx(id, raw_buf):
	data = struct.unpack_from("<IQ", raw_buf)
	payload = data[1]
	deepest_cstate = payload & 0xf
	last_cstate = (payload >> 4) & 0xf
	wake_reason = (payload >> 8) & 0xf

def synth_data(id, config, raw_buf, *x):
	if config == 0:
		ptwrite(id, raw_buf)
	elif config == 1:
		mwait(id, raw_buf)
	elif config == 2:
		pwre(id, raw_buf)
	elif config == 3:
		exstop(id, raw_buf)
	elif config == 4:
		pwrx(id, raw_buf)
	elif config == 5:
		cbr(id, raw_buf)

def context_switch_table(*x):
	bind_exec(context_switch_query, 9, x)