// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only /* * intel_pt_log.c: Intel Processor Trace support * Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Intel Corporation. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <string.h> #include <linux/zalloc.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include "intel-pt-log.h" #include "intel-pt-insn-decoder.h" #include "intel-pt-pkt-decoder.h" #define MAX_LOG_NAME 256 #define DFLT_BUF_SZ (16 * 1024) struct log_buf { char *buf; size_t buf_sz; size_t head; bool wrapped; FILE *backend; }; static FILE *f; static char log_name[MAX_LOG_NAME]; bool intel_pt_enable_logging; static bool intel_pt_dump_log_on_error; static unsigned int intel_pt_log_on_error_size; static struct log_buf log_buf; void *intel_pt_log_fp(void) { return f; } void intel_pt_log_enable(bool dump_log_on_error, unsigned int log_on_error_size) { intel_pt_enable_logging = true; intel_pt_dump_log_on_error = dump_log_on_error; intel_pt_log_on_error_size = log_on_error_size; } void intel_pt_log_disable(void) { if (f) fflush(f); intel_pt_enable_logging = false; } void intel_pt_log_set_name(const char *name) { strncpy(log_name, name, MAX_LOG_NAME - 5); strcat(log_name, ".log"); } static void intel_pt_print_data(const unsigned char *buf, int len, uint64_t pos, int indent) { int i; for (i = 0; i < indent; i++) fprintf(f, " "); fprintf(f, " %08" PRIx64 ": ", pos); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) fprintf(f, " %02x", buf[i]); for (; i < 16; i++) fprintf(f, " "); fprintf(f, " "); } static void intel_pt_print_no_data(uint64_t pos, int indent) { int i; for (i = 0; i < indent; i++) fprintf(f, " "); fprintf(f, " %08" PRIx64 ": ", pos); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) fprintf(f, " "); fprintf(f, " "); } static ssize_t log_buf__write(void *cookie, const char *buf, size_t size) { struct log_buf *b = cookie; size_t sz = size; if (!b->buf) return size; while (sz) { size_t space = b->buf_sz - b->head; size_t n = min(space, sz); memcpy(b->buf + b->head, buf, n); sz -= n; buf += n; b->head += n; if (sz && b->head >= b->buf_sz) { b->head = 0; b->wrapped = true; } } return size; } static int log_buf__close(void *cookie) { struct log_buf *b = cookie; zfree(&b->buf); return 0; } static FILE *log_buf__open(struct log_buf *b, FILE *backend, unsigned int sz) { cookie_io_functions_t fns = { .write = log_buf__write, .close = log_buf__close, }; FILE *file; memset(b, 0, sizeof(*b)); b->buf_sz = sz; b->buf = malloc(b->buf_sz); b->backend = backend; file = fopencookie(b, "a", fns); if (!file) zfree(&b->buf); return file; } static bool remove_first_line(const char **p, size_t *n) { for (; *n && **p != '\n'; ++*p, --*n) ; if (*n) { *p += 1; *n -= 1; return true; } return false; } static void write_lines(const char *p, size_t n, FILE *fp, bool *remove_first) { if (*remove_first) *remove_first = !remove_first_line(&p, &n); fwrite(p, n, 1, fp); } static void log_buf__dump(struct log_buf *b) { bool remove_first = false; if (!b->buf) return; fflush(f); /* Could update b->head and b->wrapped */ fprintf(b->backend, "Dumping debug log buffer\n"); if (b->wrapped) { remove_first = true; write_lines(b->buf + b->head, b->buf_sz - b->head, b->backend, &remove_first); } write_lines(b->buf, b->head, b->backend, &remove_first); fprintf(b->backend, "End of debug log buffer dump\n"); b->head = 0; b->wrapped = false; } void intel_pt_log_dump_buf(void) { log_buf__dump(&log_buf); } static int intel_pt_log_open(void) { if (!intel_pt_enable_logging) return -1; if (f) return 0; if (log_name[0]) f = fopen(log_name, "w+"); else f = stdout; if (f && intel_pt_dump_log_on_error) f = log_buf__open(&log_buf, f, intel_pt_log_on_error_size); if (!f) { intel_pt_enable_logging = false; return -1; } return 0; } void __intel_pt_log_packet(const struct intel_pt_pkt *packet, int pkt_len, uint64_t pos, const unsigned char *buf) { char desc[INTEL_PT_PKT_DESC_MAX]; if (intel_pt_log_open()) return; intel_pt_print_data(buf, pkt_len, pos, 0); intel_pt_pkt_desc(packet, desc, INTEL_PT_PKT_DESC_MAX); fprintf(f, "%s\n", desc); } void __intel_pt_log_insn(struct intel_pt_insn *intel_pt_insn, uint64_t ip) { char desc[INTEL_PT_INSN_DESC_MAX]; size_t len = intel_pt_insn->length; if (intel_pt_log_open()) return; if (len > INTEL_PT_INSN_BUF_SZ) len = INTEL_PT_INSN_BUF_SZ; intel_pt_print_data(intel_pt_insn->buf, len, ip, 8); if (intel_pt_insn_desc(intel_pt_insn, desc, INTEL_PT_INSN_DESC_MAX) > 0) fprintf(f, "%s\n", desc); else fprintf(f, "Bad instruction!\n"); } void __intel_pt_log_insn_no_data(struct intel_pt_insn *intel_pt_insn, uint64_t ip) { char desc[INTEL_PT_INSN_DESC_MAX]; if (intel_pt_log_open()) return; intel_pt_print_no_data(ip, 8); if (intel_pt_insn_desc(intel_pt_insn, desc, INTEL_PT_INSN_DESC_MAX) > 0) fprintf(f, "%s\n", desc); else fprintf(f, "Bad instruction!\n"); } void __intel_pt_log(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; if (intel_pt_log_open()) return; va_start(args, fmt); vfprintf(f, fmt, args); va_end(args); }