// SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR MIT)
 * Copyright 2019 NXP

#include <dt-bindings/clock/imx8mp-clock.h>
#include <dt-bindings/power/imx8mp-power.h>
#include <dt-bindings/reset/imx8mp-reset.h>
#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
#include <dt-bindings/input/input.h>
#include <dt-bindings/interconnect/fsl,imx8mp.h>
#include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/arm-gic.h>
#include <dt-bindings/thermal/thermal.h>

#include "imx8mp-pinfunc.h"

/ {
	interrupt-parent = <&gic>;
	#address-cells = <2>;
	#size-cells = <2>;

	aliases {
		ethernet0 = &fec;
		ethernet1 = &eqos;
		gpio0 = &gpio1;
		gpio1 = &gpio2;
		gpio2 = &gpio3;
		gpio3 = &gpio4;
		gpio4 = &gpio5;
		i2c0 = &i2c1;
		i2c1 = &i2c2;
		i2c2 = &i2c3;
		i2c3 = &i2c4;
		i2c4 = &i2c5;
		i2c5 = &i2c6;
		mmc0 = &usdhc1;
		mmc1 = &usdhc2;
		mmc2 = &usdhc3;
		serial0 = &uart1;
		serial1 = &uart2;
		serial2 = &uart3;
		serial3 = &uart4;
		spi0 = &flexspi;

	cpus {
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <0>;

		A53_0: cpu@0 {
			device_type = "cpu";
			compatible = "arm,cortex-a53";
			reg = <0x0>;
			clock-latency = <61036>;
			clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ARM>;
			enable-method = "psci";
			i-cache-size = <0x8000>;
			i-cache-line-size = <64>;
			i-cache-sets = <256>;
			d-cache-size = <0x8000>;
			d-cache-line-size = <64>;
			d-cache-sets = <128>;
			next-level-cache = <&A53_L2>;
			nvmem-cells = <&cpu_speed_grade>;
			nvmem-cell-names = "speed_grade";
			operating-points-v2 = <&a53_opp_table>;
			#cooling-cells = <2>;

		A53_1: cpu@1 {
			device_type = "cpu";
			compatible = "arm,cortex-a53";
			reg = <0x1>;
			clock-latency = <61036>;
			clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ARM>;
			enable-method = "psci";
			i-cache-size = <0x8000>;
			i-cache-line-size = <64>;
			i-cache-sets = <256>;
			d-cache-size = <0x8000>;
			d-cache-line-size = <64>;
			d-cache-sets = <128>;
			next-level-cache = <&A53_L2>;
			operating-points-v2 = <&a53_opp_table>;
			#cooling-cells = <2>;

		A53_2: cpu@2 {
			device_type = "cpu";
			compatible = "arm,cortex-a53";
			reg = <0x2>;
			clock-latency = <61036>;
			clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ARM>;
			enable-method = "psci";
			i-cache-size = <0x8000>;
			i-cache-line-size = <64>;
			i-cache-sets = <256>;
			d-cache-size = <0x8000>;
			d-cache-line-size = <64>;
			d-cache-sets = <128>;
			next-level-cache = <&A53_L2>;
			operating-points-v2 = <&a53_opp_table>;
			#cooling-cells = <2>;

		A53_3: cpu@3 {
			device_type = "cpu";
			compatible = "arm,cortex-a53";
			reg = <0x3>;
			clock-latency = <61036>;
			clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ARM>;
			enable-method = "psci";
			i-cache-size = <0x8000>;
			i-cache-line-size = <64>;
			i-cache-sets = <256>;
			d-cache-size = <0x8000>;
			d-cache-line-size = <64>;
			d-cache-sets = <128>;
			next-level-cache = <&A53_L2>;
			operating-points-v2 = <&a53_opp_table>;
			#cooling-cells = <2>;

		A53_L2: l2-cache0 {
			compatible = "cache";
			cache-level = <2>;
			cache-size = <0x80000>;
			cache-line-size = <64>;
			cache-sets = <512>;

	a53_opp_table: opp-table {
		compatible = "operating-points-v2";

		opp-1200000000 {
			opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1200000000>;
			opp-microvolt = <850000>;
			opp-supported-hw = <0x8a0>, <0x7>;
			clock-latency-ns = <150000>;

		opp-1600000000 {
			opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1600000000>;
			opp-microvolt = <950000>;
			opp-supported-hw = <0xa0>, <0x7>;
			clock-latency-ns = <150000>;

		opp-1800000000 {
			opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1800000000>;
			opp-microvolt = <1000000>;
			opp-supported-hw = <0x20>, <0x3>;
			clock-latency-ns = <150000>;

	osc_32k: clock-osc-32k {
		compatible = "fixed-clock";
		#clock-cells = <0>;
		clock-frequency = <32768>;
		clock-output-names = "osc_32k";

	osc_24m: clock-osc-24m {
		compatible = "fixed-clock";
		#clock-cells = <0>;
		clock-frequency = <24000000>;
		clock-output-names = "osc_24m";

	clk_ext1: clock-ext1 {
		compatible = "fixed-clock";
		#clock-cells = <0>;
		clock-frequency = <133000000>;
		clock-output-names = "clk_ext1";

	clk_ext2: clock-ext2 {
		compatible = "fixed-clock";
		#clock-cells = <0>;
		clock-frequency = <133000000>;
		clock-output-names = "clk_ext2";

	clk_ext3: clock-ext3 {
		compatible = "fixed-clock";
		#clock-cells = <0>;
		clock-frequency = <133000000>;
		clock-output-names = "clk_ext3";

	clk_ext4: clock-ext4 {
		compatible = "fixed-clock";
		#clock-cells = <0>;
		clock-frequency = <133000000>;
		clock-output-names = "clk_ext4";

	reserved-memory {
		#address-cells = <2>;
		#size-cells = <2>;

		dsp_reserved: dsp@92400000 {
			reg = <0 0x92400000 0 0x2000000>;

	pmu {
		compatible = "arm,cortex-a53-pmu";
		interrupts = <GIC_PPI 7

	psci {
		compatible = "arm,psci-1.0";
		method = "smc";

	thermal-zones {
		cpu-thermal {
			polling-delay-passive = <250>;
			polling-delay = <2000>;
			thermal-sensors = <&tmu 0>;
			trips {
				cpu_alert0: trip0 {
					temperature = <85000>;
					hysteresis = <2000>;
					type = "passive";

				cpu_crit0: trip1 {
					temperature = <95000>;
					hysteresis = <2000>;
					type = "critical";

			cooling-maps {
				map0 {
					trip = <&cpu_alert0>;
					cooling-device =

		soc-thermal {
			polling-delay-passive = <250>;
			polling-delay = <2000>;
			thermal-sensors = <&tmu 1>;
			trips {
				soc_alert0: trip0 {
					temperature = <85000>;
					hysteresis = <2000>;
					type = "passive";

				soc_crit0: trip1 {
					temperature = <95000>;
					hysteresis = <2000>;
					type = "critical";

			cooling-maps {
				map0 {
					trip = <&soc_alert0>;
					cooling-device =

	timer {
		compatible = "arm,armv8-timer";
		interrupts = <GIC_PPI 13 (GIC_CPU_MASK_SIMPLE(4) | IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW)>,
		clock-frequency = <8000000>;

	soc: soc@0 {
		compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-soc", "simple-bus";
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <1>;
		ranges = <0x0 0x0 0x0 0x3e000000>;
		nvmem-cells = <&imx8mp_uid>;
		nvmem-cell-names = "soc_unique_id";

		etm0: etm@28440000 {
			compatible = "arm,coresight-etm4x", "arm,primecell";
			reg = <0x28440000 0x1000>;
			cpu = <&A53_0>;
			clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MAIN_AXI>;
			clock-names = "apb_pclk";

			out-ports {
				port {
					etm0_out_port: endpoint {
						remote-endpoint = <&ca_funnel_in_port0>;

		etm1: etm@28540000 {
			compatible = "arm,coresight-etm4x", "arm,primecell";
			reg = <0x28540000 0x1000>;
			cpu = <&A53_1>;
			clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MAIN_AXI>;
			clock-names = "apb_pclk";

			out-ports {
				port {
					etm1_out_port: endpoint {
						remote-endpoint = <&ca_funnel_in_port1>;

		etm2: etm@28640000 {
			compatible = "arm,coresight-etm4x", "arm,primecell";
			reg = <0x28640000 0x1000>;
			cpu = <&A53_2>;
			clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MAIN_AXI>;
			clock-names = "apb_pclk";

			out-ports {
				port {
					etm2_out_port: endpoint {
						remote-endpoint = <&ca_funnel_in_port2>;

		etm3: etm@28740000 {
			compatible = "arm,coresight-etm4x", "arm,primecell";
			reg = <0x28740000 0x1000>;
			cpu = <&A53_3>;
			clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MAIN_AXI>;
			clock-names = "apb_pclk";

			out-ports {
				port {
					etm3_out_port: endpoint {
						remote-endpoint = <&ca_funnel_in_port3>;

		funnel {
			 * non-configurable funnel don't show up on the AMBA
			 * bus.  As such no need to add "arm,primecell".
			compatible = "arm,coresight-static-funnel";

			in-ports {
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;

				port@0 {
					reg = <0>;

					ca_funnel_in_port0: endpoint {
						remote-endpoint = <&etm0_out_port>;

				port@1 {
					reg = <1>;

					ca_funnel_in_port1: endpoint {
						remote-endpoint = <&etm1_out_port>;

				port@2 {
					reg = <2>;

					ca_funnel_in_port2: endpoint {
						remote-endpoint = <&etm2_out_port>;

				port@3 {
					reg = <3>;

					ca_funnel_in_port3: endpoint {
						remote-endpoint = <&etm3_out_port>;

			out-ports {
				port {
					ca_funnel_out_port0: endpoint {
						remote-endpoint = <&hugo_funnel_in_port0>;

		funnel@28c03000 {
			compatible = "arm,coresight-dynamic-funnel", "arm,primecell";
			reg = <0x28c03000 0x1000>;
			clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MAIN_AXI>;
			clock-names = "apb_pclk";

			in-ports {
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;

				port@0 {
					reg = <0>;

					hugo_funnel_in_port0: endpoint {
						remote-endpoint = <&ca_funnel_out_port0>;

				port@1 {
					reg = <1>;

					hugo_funnel_in_port1: endpoint {
					/* M7 input */

				port@2 {
					reg = <2>;

					hugo_funnel_in_port2: endpoint {
					/* DSP input */
				/* the other input ports are not connect to anything */

			out-ports {
				port {
					hugo_funnel_out_port0: endpoint {
						remote-endpoint = <&etf_in_port>;

		etf@28c04000 {
			compatible = "arm,coresight-tmc", "arm,primecell";
			reg = <0x28c04000 0x1000>;
			clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MAIN_AXI>;
			clock-names = "apb_pclk";

			in-ports {
				port {
					etf_in_port: endpoint {
						remote-endpoint = <&hugo_funnel_out_port0>;

			out-ports {
				port {
					etf_out_port: endpoint {
						remote-endpoint = <&etr_in_port>;

		etr@28c06000 {
			compatible = "arm,coresight-tmc", "arm,primecell";
			reg = <0x28c06000 0x1000>;
			clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MAIN_AXI>;
			clock-names = "apb_pclk";

			in-ports {
				port {
					etr_in_port: endpoint {
						remote-endpoint = <&etf_out_port>;

		aips1: bus@30000000 {
			compatible = "fsl,aips-bus", "simple-bus";
			reg = <0x30000000 0x400000>;
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <1>;

			gpio1: gpio@30200000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-gpio", "fsl,imx35-gpio";
				reg = <0x30200000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 64 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPIO1_ROOT>;
				#gpio-cells = <2>;
				#interrupt-cells = <2>;
				gpio-ranges = <&iomuxc 0 5 30>;

			gpio2: gpio@30210000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-gpio", "fsl,imx35-gpio";
				reg = <0x30210000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 66 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPIO2_ROOT>;
				#gpio-cells = <2>;
				#interrupt-cells = <2>;
				gpio-ranges = <&iomuxc 0 35 21>;

			gpio3: gpio@30220000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-gpio", "fsl,imx35-gpio";
				reg = <0x30220000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 68 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPIO3_ROOT>;
				#gpio-cells = <2>;
				#interrupt-cells = <2>;
				gpio-ranges = <&iomuxc 0 56 26>, <&iomuxc 26 144 4>;

			gpio4: gpio@30230000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-gpio", "fsl,imx35-gpio";
				reg = <0x30230000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 70 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPIO4_ROOT>;
				#gpio-cells = <2>;
				#interrupt-cells = <2>;
				gpio-ranges = <&iomuxc 0 82 32>;

			gpio5: gpio@30240000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-gpio", "fsl,imx35-gpio";
				reg = <0x30240000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 72 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPIO5_ROOT>;
				#gpio-cells = <2>;
				#interrupt-cells = <2>;
				gpio-ranges = <&iomuxc 0 114 30>;

			tmu: tmu@30260000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-tmu";
				reg = <0x30260000 0x10000>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_TSENSOR_ROOT>;
				nvmem-cells = <&tmu_calib>;
				nvmem-cell-names = "calib";
				#thermal-sensor-cells = <1>;

			wdog1: watchdog@30280000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-wdt", "fsl,imx21-wdt";
				reg = <0x30280000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 78 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_WDOG1_ROOT>;
				status = "disabled";

			wdog2: watchdog@30290000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-wdt", "fsl,imx21-wdt";
				reg = <0x30290000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 79 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_WDOG2_ROOT>;
				status = "disabled";

			wdog3: watchdog@302a0000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-wdt", "fsl,imx21-wdt";
				reg = <0x302a0000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 10 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_WDOG3_ROOT>;
				status = "disabled";

			gpt1: timer@302d0000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-gpt", "fsl,imx6dl-gpt";
				reg = <0x302d0000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 55 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPT1_ROOT>, <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPT1>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "per";

			gpt2: timer@302e0000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-gpt", "fsl,imx6dl-gpt";
				reg = <0x302e0000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 54 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPT2_ROOT>, <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPT2>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "per";

			gpt3: timer@302f0000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-gpt", "fsl,imx6dl-gpt";
				reg = <0x302f0000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 53 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPT3_ROOT>, <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPT3>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "per";

			iomuxc: pinctrl@30330000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-iomuxc";
				reg = <0x30330000 0x10000>;

			gpr: syscon@30340000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-iomuxc-gpr", "syscon";
				reg = <0x30340000 0x10000>;

			ocotp: efuse@30350000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-ocotp", "fsl,imx8mm-ocotp", "syscon";
				reg = <0x30350000 0x10000>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_OCOTP_ROOT>;
				/* For nvmem subnodes */
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <1>;

				 * The register address below maps to the MX8M
				 * Fusemap Description Table entries this way.
				 * Assuming
				 *   reg = <ADDR SIZE>;
				 * then
				 *   Fuse Address = (ADDR * 4) + 0x400
				 * Note that if SIZE is greater than 4, then
				 * each subsequent fuse is located at offset
				 * +0x10 in Fusemap Description Table (e.g.
				 * reg = <0x8 0x8> describes fuses 0x420 and
				 * 0x430).
				imx8mp_uid: unique-id@8 { /* 0x420-0x430 */
					reg = <0x8 0x8>;

				cpu_speed_grade: speed-grade@10 { /* 0x440 */
					reg = <0x10 4>;

				eth_mac1: mac-address@90 { /* 0x640 */
					reg = <0x90 6>;

				eth_mac2: mac-address@96 { /* 0x658 */
					reg = <0x96 6>;

				tmu_calib: calib@264 { /* 0xd90-0xdc0 */
					reg = <0x264 0x10>;

			anatop: clock-controller@30360000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-anatop", "fsl,imx8mm-anatop";
				reg = <0x30360000 0x10000>;
				#clock-cells = <1>;

			snvs: snvs@30370000 {
				compatible = "fsl,sec-v4.0-mon","syscon", "simple-mfd";
				reg = <0x30370000 0x10000>;

				snvs_rtc: snvs-rtc-lp {
					compatible = "fsl,sec-v4.0-mon-rtc-lp";
					regmap = <&snvs>;
					offset = <0x34>;
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 19 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
						     <GIC_SPI 20 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_SNVS_ROOT>;
					clock-names = "snvs-rtc";

				snvs_pwrkey: snvs-powerkey {
					compatible = "fsl,sec-v4.0-pwrkey";
					regmap = <&snvs>;
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 4 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_SNVS_ROOT>;
					clock-names = "snvs-pwrkey";
					linux,keycode = <KEY_POWER>;
					status = "disabled";

				snvs_lpgpr: snvs-lpgpr {
					compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-snvs-lpgpr",

			clk: clock-controller@30380000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-ccm";
				reg = <0x30380000 0x10000>;
				#clock-cells = <1>;
				clocks = <&osc_32k>, <&osc_24m>, <&clk_ext1>, <&clk_ext2>,
					 <&clk_ext3>, <&clk_ext4>;
				clock-names = "osc_32k", "osc_24m", "clk_ext1", "clk_ext2",
					      "clk_ext3", "clk_ext4";
				assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_A53_SRC>,
						  <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_A53_CORE>,
						  <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_NOC>,
						  <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_NOC_IO>,
						  <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GIC>;
				assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL1_800M>,
							 <&clk IMX8MP_ARM_PLL_OUT>,
							 <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL2_1000M>,
							 <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL1_800M>,
							 <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL2_500M>;
				assigned-clock-rates = <0>, <0>,

			src: reset-controller@30390000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-src", "syscon";
				reg = <0x30390000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 89 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				#reset-cells = <1>;

			gpc: gpc@303a0000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-gpc";
				reg = <0x303a0000 0x1000>;
				interrupt-parent = <&gic>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 87 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				#interrupt-cells = <3>;

				pgc {
					#address-cells = <1>;
					#size-cells = <0>;

					pgc_mipi_phy1: power-domain@0 {
						#power-domain-cells = <0>;

					pgc_pcie_phy: power-domain@1 {
						#power-domain-cells = <0>;

					pgc_usb1_phy: power-domain@2 {
						#power-domain-cells = <0>;

					pgc_usb2_phy: power-domain@3 {
						#power-domain-cells = <0>;

					pgc_audio: power-domain@5 {
						#power-domain-cells = <0>;
						clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIO_ROOT>,
							 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIO_AXI>;
						assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIO_AHB>,
								  <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIO_AXI_SRC>;
						assigned-clock-parents =  <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL1_800M>,
									  <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL1_800M>;
						assigned-clock-rates = <400000000>,

					pgc_gpu2d: power-domain@6 {
						#power-domain-cells = <0>;
						reg = <IMX8MP_POWER_DOMAIN_GPU2D>;
						clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPU2D_ROOT>;
						power-domains = <&pgc_gpumix>;

					pgc_gpumix: power-domain@7 {
						#power-domain-cells = <0>;
						clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPU_ROOT>,
							 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPU_AHB>;
						assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPU_AXI>,
								  <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPU_AHB>;
						assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL1_800M>,
									 <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL1_800M>;
						assigned-clock-rates = <800000000>, <400000000>;

					pgc_gpu3d: power-domain@9 {
						#power-domain-cells = <0>;
						reg = <IMX8MP_POWER_DOMAIN_GPU3D>;
						clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPU3D_ROOT>,
							 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPU3D_SHADER_CORE>;
						power-domains = <&pgc_gpumix>;

					pgc_mediamix: power-domain@10 {
						#power-domain-cells = <0>;
						clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MEDIA_AXI_ROOT>,
							 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MEDIA_APB_ROOT>;

					pgc_mipi_phy2: power-domain@16 {
						#power-domain-cells = <0>;

					pgc_hsiomix: power-domain@17 {
						#power-domain-cells = <0>;
						clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_HSIO_AXI>,
							 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_HSIO_ROOT>;
						assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_HSIO_AXI>;
						assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL2_500M>;
						assigned-clock-rates = <500000000>;

					pgc_ispdwp: power-domain@18 {
						#power-domain-cells = <0>;
						clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MEDIA_ISP_ROOT>;

					pgc_vpumix: power-domain@19 {
						#power-domain-cells = <0>;
						clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_VPU_ROOT>;

					pgc_vpu_g1: power-domain@20 {
						#power-domain-cells = <0>;
						power-domains = <&pgc_vpumix>;
						reg = <IMX8MP_POWER_DOMAIN_VPU_G1>;
						clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_VPU_G1_ROOT>;

					pgc_vpu_g2: power-domain@21 {
						#power-domain-cells = <0>;
						power-domains = <&pgc_vpumix>;
						reg = <IMX8MP_POWER_DOMAIN_VPU_G2>;
						clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_VPU_G2_ROOT>;

					pgc_vpu_vc8000e: power-domain@22 {
						#power-domain-cells = <0>;
						power-domains = <&pgc_vpumix>;
						reg = <IMX8MP_POWER_DOMAIN_VPU_VC8000E>;
						clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_VPU_VC8KE_ROOT>;

					pgc_mlmix: power-domain@24 {
						#power-domain-cells = <0>;
						clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ML_AXI>,
							 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ML_AHB>,
							 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_NPU_ROOT>;

		aips2: bus@30400000 {
			compatible = "fsl,aips-bus", "simple-bus";
			reg = <0x30400000 0x400000>;
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <1>;

			pwm1: pwm@30660000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-pwm", "fsl,imx27-pwm";
				reg = <0x30660000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 81 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_PWM1_ROOT>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_PWM1_ROOT>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "per";
				#pwm-cells = <3>;
				status = "disabled";

			pwm2: pwm@30670000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-pwm", "fsl,imx27-pwm";
				reg = <0x30670000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 82 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_PWM2_ROOT>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_PWM2_ROOT>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "per";
				#pwm-cells = <3>;
				status = "disabled";

			pwm3: pwm@30680000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-pwm", "fsl,imx27-pwm";
				reg = <0x30680000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 83 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_PWM3_ROOT>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_PWM3_ROOT>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "per";
				#pwm-cells = <3>;
				status = "disabled";

			pwm4: pwm@30690000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-pwm", "fsl,imx27-pwm";
				reg = <0x30690000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 84 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_PWM4_ROOT>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_PWM4_ROOT>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "per";
				#pwm-cells = <3>;
				status = "disabled";

			system_counter: timer@306a0000 {
				compatible = "nxp,sysctr-timer";
				reg = <0x306a0000 0x20000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 47 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&osc_24m>;
				clock-names = "per";

			gpt6: timer@306e0000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-gpt", "fsl,imx6dl-gpt";
				reg = <0x306e0000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 51 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPT6_ROOT>, <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPT6>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "per";

			gpt5: timer@306f0000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-gpt", "fsl,imx6dl-gpt";
				reg = <0x306f0000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 51 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPT5_ROOT>, <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPT5>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "per";

			gpt4: timer@30700000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-gpt", "fsl,imx6dl-gpt";
				reg = <0x30700000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 52 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPT4_ROOT>, <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPT4>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "per";

		aips3: bus@30800000 {
			compatible = "fsl,aips-bus", "simple-bus";
			reg = <0x30800000 0x400000>;
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <1>;

			spba-bus@30800000 {
				compatible = "fsl,spba-bus", "simple-bus";
				reg = <0x30800000 0x100000>;
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <1>;

				ecspi1: spi@30820000 {
					#address-cells = <1>;
					#size-cells = <0>;
					compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-ecspi", "fsl,imx6ul-ecspi";
					reg = <0x30820000 0x10000>;
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 31 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ECSPI1_ROOT>,
						 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ECSPI1_ROOT>;
					clock-names = "ipg", "per";
					assigned-clock-rates = <80000000>;
					assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ECSPI1>;
					assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL1_800M>;
					dmas = <&sdma1 0 7 1>, <&sdma1 1 7 2>;
					dma-names = "rx", "tx";
					status = "disabled";

				ecspi2: spi@30830000 {
					#address-cells = <1>;
					#size-cells = <0>;
					compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-ecspi", "fsl,imx6ul-ecspi";
					reg = <0x30830000 0x10000>;
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 32 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ECSPI2_ROOT>,
						 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ECSPI2_ROOT>;
					clock-names = "ipg", "per";
					assigned-clock-rates = <80000000>;
					assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ECSPI2>;
					assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL1_800M>;
					dmas = <&sdma1 2 7 1>, <&sdma1 3 7 2>;
					dma-names = "rx", "tx";
					status = "disabled";

				ecspi3: spi@30840000 {
					#address-cells = <1>;
					#size-cells = <0>;
					compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-ecspi", "fsl,imx6ul-ecspi";
					reg = <0x30840000 0x10000>;
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 33 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ECSPI3_ROOT>,
						 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ECSPI3_ROOT>;
					clock-names = "ipg", "per";
					assigned-clock-rates = <80000000>;
					assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ECSPI3>;
					assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL1_800M>;
					dmas = <&sdma1 4 7 1>, <&sdma1 5 7 2>;
					dma-names = "rx", "tx";
					status = "disabled";

				uart1: serial@30860000 {
					compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-uart", "fsl,imx6q-uart";
					reg = <0x30860000 0x10000>;
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 26 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_UART1_ROOT>,
						 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_UART1_ROOT>;
					clock-names = "ipg", "per";
					dmas = <&sdma1 22 4 0>, <&sdma1 23 4 0>;
					dma-names = "rx", "tx";
					status = "disabled";

				uart3: serial@30880000 {
					compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-uart", "fsl,imx6q-uart";
					reg = <0x30880000 0x10000>;
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 28 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_UART3_ROOT>,
						 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_UART3_ROOT>;
					clock-names = "ipg", "per";
					dmas = <&sdma1 26 4 0>, <&sdma1 27 4 0>;
					dma-names = "rx", "tx";
					status = "disabled";

				uart2: serial@30890000 {
					compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-uart", "fsl,imx6q-uart";
					reg = <0x30890000 0x10000>;
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 27 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_UART2_ROOT>,
						 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_UART2_ROOT>;
					clock-names = "ipg", "per";
					dmas = <&sdma1 24 4 0>, <&sdma1 25 4 0>;
					dma-names = "rx", "tx";
					status = "disabled";

				flexcan1: can@308c0000 {
					compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-flexcan";
					reg = <0x308c0000 0x10000>;
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 142 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_IPG_ROOT>,
						 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_CAN1_ROOT>;
					clock-names = "ipg", "per";
					assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_CAN1>;
					assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL1_40M>;
					assigned-clock-rates = <40000000>;
					fsl,clk-source = /bits/ 8 <0>;
					fsl,stop-mode = <&gpr 0x10 4>;
					status = "disabled";

				flexcan2: can@308d0000 {
					compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-flexcan";
					reg = <0x308d0000 0x10000>;
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 144 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_IPG_ROOT>,
						 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_CAN2_ROOT>;
					clock-names = "ipg", "per";
					assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_CAN2>;
					assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL1_40M>;
					assigned-clock-rates = <40000000>;
					fsl,clk-source = /bits/ 8 <0>;
					fsl,stop-mode = <&gpr 0x10 5>;
					status = "disabled";

			crypto: crypto@30900000 {
				compatible = "fsl,sec-v4.0";
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <1>;
				reg = <0x30900000 0x40000>;
				ranges = <0 0x30900000 0x40000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 91 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_AHB>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_IPG_ROOT>;
				clock-names = "aclk", "ipg";

				sec_jr0: jr@1000 {
					compatible = "fsl,sec-v4.0-job-ring";
					reg = <0x1000 0x1000>;
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 105 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					status = "disabled";

				sec_jr1: jr@2000 {
					compatible = "fsl,sec-v4.0-job-ring";
					reg = <0x2000 0x1000>;
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 106 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;

				sec_jr2: jr@3000 {
					compatible = "fsl,sec-v4.0-job-ring";
					reg = <0x3000 0x1000>;
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 114 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;

			i2c1: i2c@30a20000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-i2c", "fsl,imx21-i2c";
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;
				reg = <0x30a20000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 35 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_I2C1_ROOT>;
				status = "disabled";

			i2c2: i2c@30a30000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-i2c", "fsl,imx21-i2c";
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;
				reg = <0x30a30000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 36 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_I2C2_ROOT>;
				status = "disabled";

			i2c3: i2c@30a40000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-i2c", "fsl,imx21-i2c";
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;
				reg = <0x30a40000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 37 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_I2C3_ROOT>;
				status = "disabled";

			i2c4: i2c@30a50000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-i2c", "fsl,imx21-i2c";
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;
				reg = <0x30a50000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 38 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_I2C4_ROOT>;
				status = "disabled";

			uart4: serial@30a60000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-uart", "fsl,imx6q-uart";
				reg = <0x30a60000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 29 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_UART4_ROOT>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_UART4_ROOT>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "per";
				dmas = <&sdma1 28 4 0>, <&sdma1 29 4 0>;
				dma-names = "rx", "tx";
				status = "disabled";

			mu: mailbox@30aa0000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-mu", "fsl,imx6sx-mu";
				reg = <0x30aa0000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 88 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MU_ROOT>;
				#mbox-cells = <2>;

			mu2: mailbox@30e60000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-mu", "fsl,imx6sx-mu";
				reg = <0x30e60000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				#mbox-cells = <2>;
				status = "disabled";

			i2c5: i2c@30ad0000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-i2c", "fsl,imx21-i2c";
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;
				reg = <0x30ad0000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 76 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_I2C5_ROOT>;
				status = "disabled";

			i2c6: i2c@30ae0000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-i2c", "fsl,imx21-i2c";
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;
				reg = <0x30ae0000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 77 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_I2C6_ROOT>;
				status = "disabled";

			usdhc1: mmc@30b40000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-usdhc", "fsl,imx8mm-usdhc", "fsl,imx7d-usdhc";
				reg = <0x30b40000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 22 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_DUMMY>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_USDHC1_ROOT>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "ahb", "per";
				fsl,tuning-start-tap = <20>;
				fsl,tuning-step = <2>;
				bus-width = <4>;
				status = "disabled";

			usdhc2: mmc@30b50000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-usdhc", "fsl,imx8mm-usdhc", "fsl,imx7d-usdhc";
				reg = <0x30b50000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 23 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_DUMMY>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_USDHC2_ROOT>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "ahb", "per";
				fsl,tuning-start-tap = <20>;
				fsl,tuning-step = <2>;
				bus-width = <4>;
				status = "disabled";

			usdhc3: mmc@30b60000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-usdhc", "fsl,imx8mm-usdhc", "fsl,imx7d-usdhc";
				reg = <0x30b60000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 24 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_DUMMY>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_USDHC3_ROOT>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "ahb", "per";
				fsl,tuning-start-tap = <20>;
				fsl,tuning-step = <2>;
				bus-width = <4>;
				status = "disabled";

			flexspi: spi@30bb0000 {
				compatible = "nxp,imx8mp-fspi";
				reg = <0x30bb0000 0x10000>, <0x8000000 0x10000000>;
				reg-names = "fspi_base", "fspi_mmap";
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 107 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_QSPI_ROOT>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_QSPI_ROOT>;
				clock-names = "fspi_en", "fspi";
				assigned-clock-rates = <80000000>;
				assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_QSPI>;
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;
				status = "disabled";

			sdma1: dma-controller@30bd0000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-sdma", "fsl,imx8mq-sdma";
				reg = <0x30bd0000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 2 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_SDMA1_ROOT>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_AHB>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "ahb";
				#dma-cells = <3>;
				fsl,sdma-ram-script-name = "imx/sdma/sdma-imx7d.bin";

			fec: ethernet@30be0000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-fec", "fsl,imx8mq-fec", "fsl,imx6sx-fec";
				reg = <0x30be0000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 118 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
					     <GIC_SPI 119 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
					     <GIC_SPI 120 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
					     <GIC_SPI 121 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ENET1_ROOT>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_SIM_ENET_ROOT>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ENET_TIMER>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ENET_REF>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ENET_PHY_REF>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "ahb", "ptp",
					      "enet_clk_ref", "enet_out";
				assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ENET_AXI>,
						  <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ENET_TIMER>,
						  <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ENET_REF>,
						  <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ENET_PHY_REF>;
				assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL1_266M>,
							 <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL2_100M>,
							 <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL2_125M>,
							 <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL2_50M>;
				assigned-clock-rates = <0>, <100000000>, <125000000>, <0>;
				fsl,num-tx-queues = <3>;
				fsl,num-rx-queues = <3>;
				nvmem-cells = <&eth_mac1>;
				nvmem-cell-names = "mac-address";
				fsl,stop-mode = <&gpr 0x10 3>;
				status = "disabled";

			eqos: ethernet@30bf0000 {
				compatible = "nxp,imx8mp-dwmac-eqos", "snps,dwmac-5.10a";
				reg = <0x30bf0000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
					     <GIC_SPI 134 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				interrupt-names = "macirq", "eth_wake_irq";
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ENET_QOS_ROOT>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_QOS_ENET_ROOT>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ENET_QOS>;
				clock-names = "stmmaceth", "pclk", "ptp_ref", "tx";
				assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ENET_AXI>,
						  <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ENET_QOS_TIMER>,
						  <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_ENET_QOS>;
				assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL1_266M>,
							 <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL2_100M>,
							 <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL2_125M>;
				assigned-clock-rates = <0>, <100000000>, <125000000>;
				nvmem-cells = <&eth_mac2>;
				nvmem-cell-names = "mac-address";
				intf_mode = <&gpr 0x4>;
				status = "disabled";

		aips5: bus@30c00000 {
			compatible = "fsl,aips-bus", "simple-bus";
			reg = <0x30c00000 0x400000>;
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <1>;

			spba-bus@30c00000 {
				compatible = "fsl,spba-bus", "simple-bus";
				reg = <0x30c00000 0x100000>;
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <1>;

				sai1: sai@30c10000 {
					compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-sai", "fsl,imx8mq-sai";
					reg = <0x30c10000 0x10000>;
					#sound-dai-cells = <0>;
					clocks = <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI1_IPG>,
						 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_DUMMY>,
						 <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI1_MCLK1>,
						 <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI1_MCLK2>,
						 <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI1_MCLK3>;
					clock-names = "bus", "mclk0", "mclk1", "mclk2", "mclk3";
					dmas = <&sdma2 0 2 0>, <&sdma2 1 2 0>;
					dma-names = "rx", "tx";
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 95 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					status = "disabled";

				sai2: sai@30c20000 {
					compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-sai", "fsl,imx8mq-sai";
					reg = <0x30c20000 0x10000>;
					#sound-dai-cells = <0>;
					clocks = <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI2_IPG>,
						 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_DUMMY>,
						 <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI2_MCLK1>,
						 <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI2_MCLK2>,
						 <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI2_MCLK3>;
					clock-names = "bus", "mclk0", "mclk1", "mclk2", "mclk3";
					dmas = <&sdma2 2 2 0>, <&sdma2 3 2 0>;
					dma-names = "rx", "tx";
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 96 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					status = "disabled";

				sai3: sai@30c30000 {
					compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-sai", "fsl,imx8mq-sai";
					reg = <0x30c30000 0x10000>;
					#sound-dai-cells = <0>;
					clocks = <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI3_IPG>,
						 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_DUMMY>,
						 <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI3_MCLK1>,
						 <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI3_MCLK2>,
						 <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI3_MCLK3>;
					clock-names = "bus", "mclk0", "mclk1", "mclk2", "mclk3";
					dmas = <&sdma2 4 2 0>, <&sdma2 5 2 0>;
					dma-names = "rx", "tx";
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 50 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					status = "disabled";

				sai5: sai@30c50000 {
					compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-sai", "fsl,imx8mq-sai";
					reg = <0x30c50000 0x10000>;
					#sound-dai-cells = <0>;
					clocks = <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI5_IPG>,
						 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_DUMMY>,
						 <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI5_MCLK1>,
						 <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI5_MCLK2>,
						 <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI5_MCLK3>;
					clock-names = "bus", "mclk0", "mclk1", "mclk2", "mclk3";
					dmas = <&sdma2 8 2 0>, <&sdma2 9 2 0>;
					dma-names = "rx", "tx";
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 90 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					status = "disabled";

				sai6: sai@30c60000 {
					compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-sai", "fsl,imx8mq-sai";
					reg = <0x30c60000 0x10000>;
					#sound-dai-cells = <0>;
					clocks = <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI6_IPG>,
						 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_DUMMY>,
						 <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI6_MCLK1>,
						 <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI6_MCLK2>,
						 <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI6_MCLK3>;
					clock-names = "bus", "mclk0", "mclk1", "mclk2", "mclk3";
					dmas = <&sdma2 10 2 0>, <&sdma2 11 2 0>;
					dma-names = "rx", "tx";
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 90 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					status = "disabled";

				sai7: sai@30c80000 {
					compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-sai", "fsl,imx8mq-sai";
					reg = <0x30c80000 0x10000>;
					#sound-dai-cells = <0>;
					clocks = <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI7_IPG>,
						 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_DUMMY>,
						 <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI7_MCLK1>,
						 <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI7_MCLK2>,
						 <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SAI7_MCLK3>;
					clock-names = "bus", "mclk0", "mclk1", "mclk2", "mclk3";
					dmas = <&sdma2 12 2 0>, <&sdma2 13 2 0>;
					dma-names = "rx", "tx";
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 111 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					status = "disabled";

			sdma3: dma-controller@30e00000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-sdma", "fsl,imx8mq-sdma";
				reg = <0x30e00000 0x10000>;
				#dma-cells = <3>;
				clocks = <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SDMA3_ROOT>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIO_ROOT>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "ahb";
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 34 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				fsl,sdma-ram-script-name = "imx/sdma/sdma-imx7d.bin";

			sdma2: dma-controller@30e10000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-sdma", "fsl,imx8mq-sdma";
				reg = <0x30e10000 0x10000>;
				#dma-cells = <3>;
				clocks = <&audio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIOMIX_SDMA2_ROOT>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIO_ROOT>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "ahb";
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 103 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				fsl,sdma-ram-script-name = "imx/sdma/sdma-imx7d.bin";

			audio_blk_ctrl: clock-controller@30e20000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-audio-blk-ctrl";
				reg = <0x30e20000 0x10000>;
				#clock-cells = <1>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_AUDIO_ROOT>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_SAI1>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_SAI2>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_SAI3>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_SAI5>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_SAI6>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_SAI7>;
				clock-names = "ahb",
					      "sai1", "sai2", "sai3",
					      "sai5", "sai6", "sai7";
				power-domains = <&pgc_audio>;

		noc: interconnect@32700000 {
			compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-noc", "fsl,imx8m-noc";
			reg = <0x32700000 0x100000>;
			clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_NOC>;
			#interconnect-cells = <1>;
			operating-points-v2 = <&noc_opp_table>;

			noc_opp_table: opp-table {
				compatible = "operating-points-v2";

				opp-200000000 {
					opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <200000000>;

				opp-1000000000 {
					opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1000000000>;

		aips4: bus@32c00000 {
			compatible = "fsl,aips-bus", "simple-bus";
			reg = <0x32c00000 0x400000>;
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <1>;

			isi_0: isi@32e00000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-isi";
				reg = <0x32e00000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 16 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MEDIA_AXI_ROOT>,
				clock-names = "axi", "apb";
				fsl,blk-ctrl = <&media_blk_ctrl>;
				power-domains = <&media_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_MEDIABLK_PD_ISI>;
				status = "disabled";

				ports {
					#address-cells = <1>;
					#size-cells = <0>;

					port@0 {
						reg = <0>;

						isi_in_0: endpoint {
							remote-endpoint = <&mipi_csi_0_out>;

					port@1 {
						reg = <1>;

						isi_in_1: endpoint {
							remote-endpoint = <&mipi_csi_1_out>;

			dewarp: dwe@32e30000 {
				compatible = "nxp,imx8mp-dw100";
				reg = <0x32e30000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 100 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MEDIA_AXI_ROOT>,
				clock-names = "axi", "ahb";
				power-domains = <&media_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_MEDIABLK_PD_DWE>;

			mipi_csi_0: csi@32e40000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-mipi-csi2", "fsl,imx8mm-mipi-csi2";
				reg = <0x32e40000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clock-frequency = <500000000>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MEDIA_APB_ROOT>,
				clock-names = "pclk", "wrap", "phy", "axi";
				assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MEDIA_CAM1_PIX>;
				assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL2_1000M>;
				assigned-clock-rates = <500000000>;
				power-domains = <&media_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_MEDIABLK_PD_MIPI_CSI2_1>;
				status = "disabled";

				ports {
					#address-cells = <1>;
					#size-cells = <0>;

					port@0 {
						reg = <0>;

					port@1 {
						reg = <1>;

						mipi_csi_0_out: endpoint {
							remote-endpoint = <&isi_in_0>;

			mipi_csi_1: csi@32e50000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-mipi-csi2", "fsl,imx8mm-mipi-csi2";
				reg = <0x32e50000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 80 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clock-frequency = <266000000>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MEDIA_APB_ROOT>,
				clock-names = "pclk", "wrap", "phy", "axi";
				assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MEDIA_CAM2_PIX>;
				assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL2_1000M>;
				assigned-clock-rates = <266000000>;
				power-domains = <&media_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_MEDIABLK_PD_MIPI_CSI2_2>;
				status = "disabled";

				ports {
					#address-cells = <1>;
					#size-cells = <0>;

					port@0 {
						reg = <0>;

					port@1 {
						reg = <1>;

						mipi_csi_1_out: endpoint {
							remote-endpoint = <&isi_in_1>;

			mipi_dsi: dsi@32e60000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-mipi-dsim";
				reg = <0x32e60000 0x400>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MEDIA_APB_ROOT>,
				clock-names = "bus_clk", "sclk_mipi";
				assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MEDIA_APB>,
						  <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MEDIA_MIPI_PHY1_REF>;
				assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL1_800M>,
							 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_24M>;
				assigned-clock-rates = <200000000>, <24000000>;
				samsung,pll-clock-frequency = <24000000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 18 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				power-domains = <&media_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_MEDIABLK_PD_MIPI_DSI_1>;
				status = "disabled";

				ports {
					#address-cells = <1>;
					#size-cells = <0>;

					port@0 {
						reg = <0>;

						dsim_from_lcdif1: endpoint {
							remote-endpoint = <&lcdif1_to_dsim>;

			lcdif1: display-controller@32e80000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-lcdif";
				reg = <0x32e80000 0x10000>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MEDIA_DISP1_PIX_ROOT>,
				clock-names = "pix", "axi", "disp_axi";
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 5 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				power-domains = <&media_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_MEDIABLK_PD_LCDIF_1>;
				status = "disabled";

				port {
					lcdif1_to_dsim: endpoint {
						remote-endpoint = <&dsim_from_lcdif1>;

			lcdif2: display-controller@32e90000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-lcdif";
				reg = <0x32e90000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 6 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MEDIA_DISP2_PIX_ROOT>,
				clock-names = "pix", "axi", "disp_axi";
				power-domains = <&media_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_MEDIABLK_PD_LCDIF_2>;
				status = "disabled";

				port {
					lcdif2_to_ldb: endpoint {
						remote-endpoint = <&ldb_from_lcdif2>;

			media_blk_ctrl: blk-ctrl@32ec0000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-media-blk-ctrl",
				reg = <0x32ec0000 0x10000>;
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <1>;
				power-domains = <&pgc_mediamix>,
				power-domain-names = "bus", "mipi-dsi1", "mipi-csi1",
						     "lcdif1", "isi", "mipi-csi2",
						     "lcdif2", "isp", "dwe",
				interconnects =
					<&noc IMX8MP_ICM_ISI0 &noc IMX8MP_ICN_MEDIA>,
					<&noc IMX8MP_ICM_ISI1 &noc IMX8MP_ICN_MEDIA>,
					<&noc IMX8MP_ICM_ISI2 &noc IMX8MP_ICN_MEDIA>,
					<&noc IMX8MP_ICM_ISP0 &noc IMX8MP_ICN_MEDIA>,
					<&noc IMX8MP_ICM_ISP1 &noc IMX8MP_ICN_MEDIA>,
					<&noc IMX8MP_ICM_DWE &noc IMX8MP_ICN_MEDIA>;
				interconnect-names = "lcdif-rd", "lcdif-wr", "isi0",
						     "isi1", "isi2", "isp0", "isp1",
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MEDIA_APB_ROOT>,
				clock-names = "apb", "axi", "cam1", "cam2",
					      "disp1", "disp2", "isp", "phy";

				assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MEDIA_AXI>,
						  <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MEDIA_APB>,
						  <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MEDIA_DISP1_PIX>,
						  <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MEDIA_DISP2_PIX>,
						  <&clk IMX8MP_VIDEO_PLL1>;
				assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL2_1000M>,
							 <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL1_800M>,
							 <&clk IMX8MP_VIDEO_PLL1_OUT>,
							 <&clk IMX8MP_VIDEO_PLL1_OUT>;
				assigned-clock-rates = <500000000>, <200000000>,
						       <0>, <0>, <1039500000>;
				#power-domain-cells = <1>;

				lvds_bridge: bridge@5c {
					compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-ldb";
					reg = <0x5c 0x4>, <0x128 0x4>;
					reg-names = "ldb", "lvds";
					clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MEDIA_LDB>;
					clock-names = "ldb";
					assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_MEDIA_LDB>;
					assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_VIDEO_PLL1_OUT>;
					status = "disabled";

					ports {
						#address-cells = <1>;
						#size-cells = <0>;

						port@0 {
							reg = <0>;

							ldb_from_lcdif2: endpoint {
								remote-endpoint = <&lcdif2_to_ldb>;

						port@1 {
							reg = <1>;

							ldb_lvds_ch0: endpoint {

						port@2 {
							reg = <2>;

							ldb_lvds_ch1: endpoint {

			pcie_phy: pcie-phy@32f00000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-pcie-phy";
				reg = <0x32f00000 0x10000>;
				resets = <&src IMX8MP_RESET_PCIEPHY>,
				reset-names = "pciephy", "perst";
				power-domains = <&hsio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_HSIOBLK_PD_PCIE_PHY>;
				#phy-cells = <0>;
				status = "disabled";

			hsio_blk_ctrl: blk-ctrl@32f10000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-hsio-blk-ctrl", "syscon";
				reg = <0x32f10000 0x24>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_USB_ROOT>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_PCIE_ROOT>;
				clock-names = "usb", "pcie";
				power-domains = <&pgc_hsiomix>, <&pgc_hsiomix>,
						<&pgc_usb1_phy>, <&pgc_usb2_phy>,
						<&pgc_hsiomix>, <&pgc_pcie_phy>;
				power-domain-names = "bus", "usb", "usb-phy1",
						     "usb-phy2", "pcie", "pcie-phy";
				interconnects = <&noc IMX8MP_ICM_NOC_PCIE &noc IMX8MP_ICN_HSIO>,
						<&noc IMX8MP_ICM_USB1 &noc IMX8MP_ICN_HSIO>,
						<&noc IMX8MP_ICM_USB2 &noc IMX8MP_ICN_HSIO>,
						<&noc IMX8MP_ICM_PCIE &noc IMX8MP_ICN_HSIO>;
				interconnect-names = "noc-pcie", "usb1", "usb2", "pcie";
				#power-domain-cells = <1>;
				#clock-cells = <0>;

		pcie: pcie@33800000 {
			compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-pcie";
			reg = <0x33800000 0x400000>, <0x1ff00000 0x80000>;
			reg-names = "dbi", "config";
			clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_HSIO_ROOT>,
				 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_HSIO_AXI>,
				 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_PCIE_ROOT>;
			clock-names = "pcie", "pcie_bus", "pcie_aux";
			assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_PCIE_AUX>;
			assigned-clock-rates = <10000000>;
			assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL2_50M>;
			#address-cells = <3>;
			#size-cells = <2>;
			device_type = "pci";
			bus-range = <0x00 0xff>;
			ranges = <0x81000000 0 0x00000000 0x1ff80000 0 0x00010000>, /* downstream I/O 64KB */
				 <0x82000000 0 0x18000000 0x18000000 0 0x07f00000>; /* non-prefetchable memory */
			num-lanes = <1>;
			num-viewport = <4>;
			interrupts = <GIC_SPI 140 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			interrupt-names = "msi";
			#interrupt-cells = <1>;
			interrupt-map-mask = <0 0 0 0x7>;
			interrupt-map = <0 0 0 1 &gic GIC_SPI 126 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
					<0 0 0 2 &gic GIC_SPI 125 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
					<0 0 0 3 &gic GIC_SPI 124 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
					<0 0 0 4 &gic GIC_SPI 123 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			fsl,max-link-speed = <3>;
			linux,pci-domain = <0>;
			power-domains = <&hsio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_HSIOBLK_PD_PCIE>;
			resets = <&src IMX8MP_RESET_PCIE_CTRL_APPS_EN>,
			reset-names = "apps", "turnoff";
			phys = <&pcie_phy>;
			phy-names = "pcie-phy";
			status = "disabled";

		pcie_ep: pcie-ep@33800000 {
			compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-pcie-ep";
			reg = <0x33800000 0x000400000>, <0x18000000 0x08000000>;
			reg-names = "dbi", "addr_space";
			clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_HSIO_ROOT>,
				 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_HSIO_AXI>,
				 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_PCIE_ROOT>;
			clock-names = "pcie", "pcie_bus", "pcie_aux";
			assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_PCIE_AUX>;
			assigned-clock-rates = <10000000>;
			assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL2_50M>;
			num-lanes = <1>;
			interrupts = <GIC_SPI 127 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; /* eDMA */
			interrupt-names = "dma";
			fsl,max-link-speed = <3>;
			power-domains = <&hsio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_HSIOBLK_PD_PCIE>;
			resets = <&src IMX8MP_RESET_PCIE_CTRL_APPS_EN>,
			reset-names = "apps", "turnoff";
			phys = <&pcie_phy>;
			phy-names = "pcie-phy";
			num-ib-windows = <4>;
			num-ob-windows = <4>;
			status = "disabled";

		gpu3d: gpu@38000000 {
			compatible = "vivante,gc";
			reg = <0x38000000 0x8000>;
			interrupts = <GIC_SPI 3 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPU3D_ROOT>,
				 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPU_ROOT>,
				 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPU_AHB>;
			clock-names = "core", "shader", "bus", "reg";
			assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPU3D_CORE>,
			assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL1_800M>,
						 <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL1_800M>;
			assigned-clock-rates = <800000000>, <800000000>;
			power-domains = <&pgc_gpu3d>;

		gpu2d: gpu@38008000 {
			compatible = "vivante,gc";
			reg = <0x38008000 0x8000>;
			interrupts = <GIC_SPI 25 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPU2D_ROOT>,
				 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPU_ROOT>,
				 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPU_AHB>;
			clock-names = "core", "bus", "reg";
			assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_GPU2D_CORE>;
			assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL1_800M>;
			assigned-clock-rates = <800000000>;
			power-domains = <&pgc_gpu2d>;

		vpu_g1: video-codec@38300000 {
			compatible = "nxp,imx8mm-vpu-g1";
			reg = <0x38300000 0x10000>;
			interrupts = <GIC_SPI 7 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_VPU_G1_ROOT>;
			assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_VPU_G1>;
			assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_VPU_PLL_OUT>;
			assigned-clock-rates = <600000000>;
			power-domains = <&vpumix_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_VPUBLK_PD_G1>;

		vpu_g2: video-codec@38310000 {
			compatible = "nxp,imx8mq-vpu-g2";
			reg = <0x38310000 0x10000>;
			interrupts = <GIC_SPI 8 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_VPU_G2_ROOT>;
			assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_VPU_G2>;
			assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_SYS_PLL2_1000M>;
			assigned-clock-rates = <500000000>;
			power-domains = <&vpumix_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_VPUBLK_PD_G2>;

		vpumix_blk_ctrl: blk-ctrl@38330000 {
			compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-vpu-blk-ctrl", "syscon";
			reg = <0x38330000 0x100>;
			#power-domain-cells = <1>;
			power-domains = <&pgc_vpumix>, <&pgc_vpu_g1>,
					<&pgc_vpu_g2>, <&pgc_vpu_vc8000e>;
			power-domain-names = "bus", "g1", "g2", "vc8000e";
			clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_VPU_G1_ROOT>,
				 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_VPU_G2_ROOT>,
				 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_VPU_VC8KE_ROOT>;
			clock-names = "g1", "g2", "vc8000e";
			assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_VPU_BUS>, <&clk IMX8MP_VPU_PLL>;
			assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_VPU_PLL_OUT>;
			assigned-clock-rates = <600000000>, <600000000>;
			interconnects = <&noc IMX8MP_ICM_VPU_G1 &noc IMX8MP_ICN_VIDEO>,
					<&noc IMX8MP_ICM_VPU_G2 &noc IMX8MP_ICN_VIDEO>,
					<&noc IMX8MP_ICM_VPU_H1 &noc IMX8MP_ICN_VIDEO>;
			interconnect-names = "g1", "g2", "vc8000e";

		gic: interrupt-controller@38800000 {
			compatible = "arm,gic-v3";
			reg = <0x38800000 0x10000>,
			      <0x38880000 0xc0000>;
			#interrupt-cells = <3>;
			interrupts = <GIC_PPI 9 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			interrupt-parent = <&gic>;

		edacmc: memory-controller@3d400000 {
			compatible = "snps,ddrc-3.80a";
			reg = <0x3d400000 0x400000>;
			interrupts = <GIC_SPI 147 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;

		ddr-pmu@3d800000 {
			compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-ddr-pmu", "fsl,imx8m-ddr-pmu";
			reg = <0x3d800000 0x400000>;
			interrupts = <GIC_SPI 98 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;

		usb3_phy0: usb-phy@381f0040 {
			compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-usb-phy";
			reg = <0x381f0040 0x40>;
			clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_USB_PHY_ROOT>;
			clock-names = "phy";
			assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_USB_PHY_REF>;
			assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_24M>;
			power-domains = <&hsio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_HSIOBLK_PD_USB_PHY1>;
			#phy-cells = <0>;
			status = "disabled";

		usb3_0: usb@32f10100 {
			compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-dwc3";
			reg = <0x32f10100 0x8>,
			      <0x381f0000 0x20>;
			clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_HSIO_ROOT>,
				 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_USB_SUSP>;
			clock-names = "hsio", "suspend";
			interrupts = <GIC_SPI 148 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			power-domains = <&hsio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_HSIOBLK_PD_USB>;
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <1>;
			dma-ranges = <0x40000000 0x40000000 0xc0000000>;
			status = "disabled";

			usb_dwc3_0: usb@38100000 {
				compatible = "snps,dwc3";
				reg = <0x38100000 0x10000>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_USB_ROOT>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_USB_CORE_REF>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_USB_SUSP>;
				clock-names = "bus_early", "ref", "suspend";
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 40 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				phys = <&usb3_phy0>, <&usb3_phy0>;
				phy-names = "usb2-phy", "usb3-phy";


		usb3_phy1: usb-phy@382f0040 {
			compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-usb-phy";
			reg = <0x382f0040 0x40>;
			clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_USB_PHY_ROOT>;
			clock-names = "phy";
			assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_USB_PHY_REF>;
			assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_24M>;
			power-domains = <&hsio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_HSIOBLK_PD_USB_PHY2>;
			#phy-cells = <0>;
			status = "disabled";

		usb3_1: usb@32f10108 {
			compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-dwc3";
			reg = <0x32f10108 0x8>,
			      <0x382f0000 0x20>;
			clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_HSIO_ROOT>,
				 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_USB_SUSP>;
			clock-names = "hsio", "suspend";
			interrupts = <GIC_SPI 149 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			power-domains = <&hsio_blk_ctrl IMX8MP_HSIOBLK_PD_USB>;
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <1>;
			dma-ranges = <0x40000000 0x40000000 0xc0000000>;
			status = "disabled";

			usb_dwc3_1: usb@38200000 {
				compatible = "snps,dwc3";
				reg = <0x38200000 0x10000>;
				clocks = <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_USB_ROOT>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_USB_CORE_REF>,
					 <&clk IMX8MP_CLK_USB_SUSP>;
				clock-names = "bus_early", "ref", "suspend";
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 41 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				phys = <&usb3_phy1>, <&usb3_phy1>;
				phy-names = "usb2-phy", "usb3-phy";

		dsp: dsp@3b6e8000 {
			compatible = "fsl,imx8mp-dsp";
			reg = <0x3b6e8000 0x88000>;
			mbox-names = "txdb0", "txdb1",
				"rxdb0", "rxdb1";
			mboxes = <&mu2 2 0>, <&mu2 2 1>,
				<&mu2 3 0>, <&mu2 3 1>;
			memory-region = <&dsp_reserved>;
			status = "disabled";