#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import signal
from string import Template
import subprocess
import time
from TdcPlugin import TdcPlugin

from tdc_config import *

    from scapy.all import *
except ImportError:
    print("Unable to import the scapy python module.")
    print("\nIf not already installed, you may do so with:")
    print("\t\tpip3 install scapy==2.4.2")

class SubPlugin(TdcPlugin):
    def __init__(self):
        self.sub_class = 'scapy/SubPlugin'

    def post_execute(self):
        if 'scapy' not in self.args.caseinfo:
            if self.args.verbose:
                print('{}.post_execute: no scapy info in test case'.format(self.sub_class))

        # Check for required fields
        lscapyinfo = self.args.caseinfo['scapy']
        if type(lscapyinfo) != list:
            lscapyinfo = [ lscapyinfo, ]

        for scapyinfo in lscapyinfo:
            scapy_keys = ['iface', 'count', 'packet']
            missing_keys = []
            keyfail = False
            for k in scapy_keys:
                if k not in scapyinfo:
                    keyfail = True
            if keyfail:
                print('{}: Scapy block present in the test, but is missing info:'

            pkt = eval(scapyinfo['packet'])
            if '$' in scapyinfo['iface']:
                tpl = Template(scapyinfo['iface'])
                scapyinfo['iface'] = tpl.safe_substitute(NAMES)
            for count in range(scapyinfo['count']):
                sendp(pkt, iface=scapyinfo['iface'])