# The basic row format is:
# LEAF, SUBLEAF, register_name, bits, short_name, long_description

# Leaf 00H
         0,    0,  EAX,   31:0, max_basic_leafs, Max input value for supported subleafs

# Leaf 01H
         1,    0,  EAX,    3:0, stepping, Stepping ID
         1,    0,  EAX,    7:4, model, Model
         1,    0,  EAX,   11:8, family, Family ID
         1,    0,  EAX,  13:12, processor, Processor Type
         1,    0,  EAX,  19:16, model_ext, Extended Model ID
         1,    0,  EAX,  27:20, family_ext, Extended Family ID

         1,    0,  EBX,    7:0, brand, Brand Index
         1,    0,  EBX,   15:8, clflush_size, CLFLUSH line size (value * 8) in bytes
         1,    0,  EBX,  23:16, max_cpu_id, Maxim number of addressable logic cpu in this package
         1,    0,  EBX,  31:24, apic_id, Initial APIC ID

         1,    0,  ECX,      0, sse3, Streaming SIMD Extensions 3(SSE3)
         1,    0,  ECX,      1, pclmulqdq, PCLMULQDQ instruction supported
         1,    0,  ECX,      2, dtes64, DS area uses 64-bit layout
         1,    0,  ECX,      3, mwait, MONITOR/MWAIT supported
         1,    0,  ECX,      4, ds_cpl, CPL Qualified Debug Store which allows for branch message storage qualified by CPL
         1,    0,  ECX,      5, vmx, Virtual Machine Extensions supported
         1,    0,  ECX,      6, smx, Safer Mode Extension supported
         1,    0,  ECX,      7, eist, Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology
         1,    0,  ECX,      8, tm2, Thermal Monitor 2
         1,    0,  ECX,      9, ssse3, Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 (SSSE3)
         1,    0,  ECX,     10, l1_ctx_id, L1 data cache could be set to either adaptive mode or shared mode (check IA32_MISC_ENABLE bit 24 definition)
         1,    0,  ECX,     11, sdbg, IA32_DEBUG_INTERFACE MSR for silicon debug supported
         1,    0,  ECX,     12, fma, FMA extensions using YMM state supported
         1,    0,  ECX,     13, cmpxchg16b, 'CMPXCHG16B - Compare and Exchange Bytes' supported
         1,    0,  ECX,     14, xtpr_update, xTPR Update Control supported
         1,    0,  ECX,     15, pdcm, Perfmon and Debug Capability present
         1,    0,  ECX,     17, pcid, Process-Context Identifiers feature present
         1,    0,  ECX,     18, dca, Prefetching data from a memory mapped device supported
         1,    0,  ECX,     19, sse4_1, SSE4.1 feature present
         1,    0,  ECX,     20, sse4_2, SSE4.2 feature present
         1,    0,  ECX,     21, x2apic, x2APIC supported
         1,    0,  ECX,     22, movbe, MOVBE instruction supported
         1,    0,  ECX,     23, popcnt, POPCNT instruction supported
         1,    0,  ECX,     24, tsc_deadline_timer, LAPIC supports one-shot operation using a TSC deadline value
         1,    0,  ECX,     25, aesni, AESNI instruction supported
         1,    0,  ECX,     26, xsave, XSAVE/XRSTOR processor extended states (XSETBV/XGETBV/XCR0)
         1,    0,  ECX,     27, osxsave, OS has set CR4.OSXSAVE bit to enable XSETBV/XGETBV/XCR0
         1,    0,  ECX,     28, avx, AVX instruction supported
         1,    0,  ECX,     29, f16c, 16-bit floating-point conversion instruction supported
         1,    0,  ECX,     30, rdrand, RDRAND instruction supported

         1,    0,  EDX,      0, fpu, x87 FPU on chip
         1,    0,  EDX,      1, vme, Virtual-8086 Mode Enhancement
         1,    0,  EDX,      2, de, Debugging Extensions
         1,    0,  EDX,      3, pse, Page Size Extensions
         1,    0,  EDX,      4, tsc, Time Stamp Counter
         1,    0,  EDX,      5, msr, RDMSR and WRMSR Support
         1,    0,  EDX,      6, pae, Physical Address Extensions
         1,    0,  EDX,      7, mce, Machine Check Exception
         1,    0,  EDX,      8, cx8, CMPXCHG8B instr
         1,    0,  EDX,      9, apic, APIC on Chip
         1,    0,  EDX,     11, sep, SYSENTER and SYSEXIT instrs
         1,    0,  EDX,     12, mtrr, Memory Type Range Registers
         1,    0,  EDX,     13, pge, Page Global Bit
         1,    0,  EDX,     14, mca, Machine Check Architecture
         1,    0,  EDX,     15, cmov, Conditional Move Instrs
         1,    0,  EDX,     16, pat, Page Attribute Table
         1,    0,  EDX,     17, pse36, 36-Bit Page Size Extension
         1,    0,  EDX,     18, psn, Processor Serial Number
         1,    0,  EDX,     19, clflush, CLFLUSH instr
#         1,    0,  EDX,     20,
         1,    0,  EDX,     21, ds, Debug Store
         1,    0,  EDX,     22, acpi, Thermal Monitor and Software Controlled Clock Facilities
         1,    0,  EDX,     23, mmx, Intel MMX Technology
         1,    0,  EDX,     24, fxsr, XSAVE and FXRSTOR Instrs
         1,    0,  EDX,     25, sse, SSE
         1,    0,  EDX,     26, sse2, SSE2
         1,    0,  EDX,     27, ss, Self Snoop
         1,    0,  EDX,     28, hit, Max APIC IDs
         1,    0,  EDX,     29, tm, Thermal Monitor
#         1,    0,  EDX,     30,
         1,    0,  EDX,     31, pbe, Pending Break Enable

# Leaf 02H
# cache and TLB descriptor info

# Leaf 03H
# Precessor Serial Number, introduced on Pentium III, not valid for
# latest models

# Leaf 04H
# thread/core and cache topology
         4,    0,  EAX,    4:0, cache_type, Cache type like instr/data or unified
         4,    0,  EAX,    7:5, cache_level, Cache Level (starts at 1)
         4,    0,  EAX,      8, cache_self_init, Cache Self Initialization
         4,    0,  EAX,      9, fully_associate, Fully Associative cache
#         4,    0,  EAX,  13:10, resvd, resvd
         4,    0,  EAX,  25:14, max_logical_id, Max number of addressable IDs for logical processors sharing the cache
         4,    0,  EAX,  31:26, max_phy_id, Max number of addressable IDs for processors in phy package

         4,    0,  EBX,   11:0, cache_linesize, Size of a cache line in bytes
         4,    0,  EBX,  21:12, cache_partition, Physical Line partitions
         4,    0,  EBX,  31:22, cache_ways, Ways of associativity
         4,    0,  ECX,   31:0, cache_sets, Number of Sets - 1
         4,    0,  EDX,      0, c_wbinvd, 1 means WBINVD/INVD is not ganranteed to act upon lower level caches of non-originating threads sharing this cache
         4,    0,  EDX,      1, c_incl, Whether cache is inclusive of lower cache level
         4,    0,  EDX,      2, c_comp_index, Complex Cache Indexing

# Leaf 05H
	 5,    0,  EAX,   15:0, min_mon_size, Smallest monitor line size in bytes
	 5,    0,  EBX,   15:0, max_mon_size, Largest monitor line size in bytes
	 5,    0,  ECX,      0, mwait_ext, Enum of Monitor-Mwait extensions supported
	 5,    0,  ECX,      1, mwait_irq_break, Largest monitor line size in bytes
	 5,    0,  EDX,    3:0, c0_sub_stats, Number of C0* sub C-states supported using MWAIT
	 5,    0,  EDX,    7:4, c1_sub_stats, Number of C1* sub C-states supported using MWAIT
	 5,    0,  EDX,   11:8, c2_sub_stats, Number of C2* sub C-states supported using MWAIT
	 5,    0,  EDX,  15:12, c3_sub_stats, Number of C3* sub C-states supported using MWAIT
	 5,    0,  EDX,  19:16, c4_sub_stats, Number of C4* sub C-states supported using MWAIT
	 5,    0,  EDX,  23:20, c5_sub_stats, Number of C5* sub C-states supported using MWAIT
	 5,    0,  EDX,  27:24, c6_sub_stats, Number of C6* sub C-states supported using MWAIT
	 5,    0,  EDX,  31:28, c7_sub_stats, Number of C7* sub C-states supported using MWAIT

# Leaf 06H
# Thermal & Power Management

	 6,    0,  EAX,      0, dig_temp, Digital temperature sensor supported
	 6,    0,  EAX,      1, turbo, Intel Turbo Boost
	 6,    0,  EAX,      2, arat, Always running APIC timer
#	 6,    0,  EAX,      3, resv, Reserved
	 6,    0,  EAX,      4, pln, Power limit notifications supported
	 6,    0,  EAX,      5, ecmd, Clock modulation duty cycle extension supported
	 6,    0,  EAX,      6, ptm, Package thermal management supported
	 6,    0,  EAX,      7, hwp, HWP base register
	 6,    0,  EAX,      8, hwp_notify, HWP notification
	 6,    0,  EAX,      9, hwp_act_window, HWP activity window
	 6,    0,  EAX,     10, hwp_energy, HWP energy performance preference
	 6,    0,  EAX,     11, hwp_pkg_req, HWP package level request
#	 6,    0,  EAX,     12, resv, Reserved
	 6,    0,  EAX,     13, hdc, HDC base registers supported
	 6,    0,  EAX,     14, turbo3, Turbo Boost Max 3.0
	 6,    0,  EAX,     15, hwp_cap, Highest Performance change supported
	 6,    0,  EAX,     16, hwp_peci, HWP PECI override is supported
	 6,    0,  EAX,     17, hwp_flex, Flexible HWP is supported
	 6,    0,  EAX,     18, hwp_fast, Fast access mode for the IA32_HWP_REQUEST MSR is supported
#	 6,    0,  EAX,     19, resv, Reserved
	 6,    0,  EAX,     20, hwp_ignr, Ignoring Idle Logical Processor HWP request is supported

	 6,    0,  EBX,    3:0, therm_irq_thresh, Number of Interrupt Thresholds in Digital Thermal Sensor
	 6,    0,  ECX,      0, aperfmperf, Presence of IA32_MPERF and IA32_APERF
	 6,    0,  ECX,      3, energ_bias, Performance-energy bias preference supported

# Leaf 07H
#	ECX == 0
# AVX512 refers to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVX-512
# XXX: Do we really need to enumerate each and every AVX512 sub features

	 7,    0,  EBX,      0, fsgsbase, RDFSBASE/RDGSBASE/WRFSBASE/WRGSBASE supported
	 7,    0,  EBX,      1, tsc_adjust, TSC_ADJUST MSR supported
	 7,    0,  EBX,      2, sgx, Software Guard Extensions
	 7,    0,  EBX,      3, bmi1, BMI1
	 7,    0,  EBX,      4, hle, Hardware Lock Elision
	 7,    0,  EBX,      5, avx2, AVX2
#	 7,    0,  EBX,      6, fdp_excp_only, x87 FPU Data Pointer updated only on x87 exceptions
	 7,    0,  EBX,      7, smep, Supervisor-Mode Execution Prevention
	 7,    0,  EBX,      8, bmi2, BMI2
	 7,    0,  EBX,      9, rep_movsb, Enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB
	 7,    0,  EBX,     10, invpcid, INVPCID instruction
	 7,    0,  EBX,     11, rtm, Restricted Transactional Memory
	 7,    0,  EBX,     12, rdt_m, Intel RDT Monitoring capability
	 7,    0,  EBX,     13, depc_fpu_cs_ds, Deprecates FPU CS and FPU DS
	 7,    0,  EBX,     14, mpx, Memory Protection Extensions
	 7,    0,  EBX,     15, rdt_a, Intel RDT Allocation capability
	 7,    0,  EBX,     16, avx512f, AVX512 Foundation instr
	 7,    0,  EBX,     17, avx512dq, AVX512 Double and Quadword AVX512 instr
	 7,    0,  EBX,     18, rdseed, RDSEED instr
	 7,    0,  EBX,     19, adx, ADX instr
	 7,    0,  EBX,     20, smap, Supervisor Mode Access Prevention
	 7,    0,  EBX,     21, avx512ifma, AVX512 Integer Fused Multiply Add
#	 7,    0,  EBX,     22, resvd, resvd
	 7,    0,  EBX,     23, clflushopt, CLFLUSHOPT instr
	 7,    0,  EBX,     24, clwb, CLWB instr
	 7,    0,  EBX,     25, intel_pt, Intel Processor Trace instr
	 7,    0,  EBX,     26, avx512pf, Prefetch
	 7,    0,  EBX,     27, avx512er, AVX512 Exponent Reciproca instr
	 7,    0,  EBX,     28, avx512cd, AVX512 Conflict Detection instr
	 7,    0,  EBX,     29, sha, Intel Secure Hash Algorithm Extensions instr
	 7,    0,  EBX,     30, avx512bw, AVX512 Byte & Word instr
	 7,    0,  EBX,     31, avx512vl, AVX512 Vector Length Extentions (VL)
	 7,    0,  ECX,      0, prefetchwt1, X
	 7,    0,  ECX,      1, avx512vbmi, AVX512 Vector Byte Manipulation Instructions
	 7,    0,  ECX,      2, umip, User-mode Instruction Prevention

	 7,    0,  ECX,      3, pku, Protection Keys for User-mode pages
	 7,    0,  ECX,      4, ospke, CR4 PKE set to enable protection keys
#	 7,    0,  ECX,   16:5, resvd, resvd
	 7,    0,  ECX,  21:17, mawau, The value of MAWAU used by the BNDLDX and BNDSTX instructions in 64-bit mode
	 7,    0,  ECX,     22, rdpid, RDPID and IA32_TSC_AUX
#	 7,    0,  ECX,  29:23, resvd, resvd
	 7,    0,  ECX,     30, sgx_lc, SGX Launch Configuration
#	 7,    0,  ECX,     31, resvd, resvd

# Leaf 08H

# Leaf 09H
# Direct Cache Access (DCA) information
	 9,    0,  ECX,   31:0, dca_cap, The value of IA32_PLATFORM_DCA_CAP

# Leaf 0AH
# Architectural Performance Monitoring
# Do we really need to print out the PMU related stuff?
# Does normal user really care about it?
       0xA,    0,  EAX,    7:0, pmu_ver, Performance Monitoring Unit version
       0xA,    0,  EAX,   15:8, pmu_gp_cnt_num, Numer of general-purose PMU counters per logical CPU
       0xA,    0,  EAX,  23:16, pmu_cnt_bits, Bit wideth of PMU counter
       0xA,    0,  EAX,  31:24, pmu_ebx_bits, Length of EBX bit vector to enumerate PMU events

       0xA,    0,  EBX,      0, pmu_no_core_cycle_evt, Core cycle event not available
       0xA,    0,  EBX,      1, pmu_no_instr_ret_evt, Instruction retired event not available
       0xA,    0,  EBX,      2, pmu_no_ref_cycle_evt, Reference cycles event not available
       0xA,    0,  EBX,      3, pmu_no_llc_ref_evt, Last-level cache reference event not available
       0xA,    0,  EBX,      4, pmu_no_llc_mis_evt, Last-level cache misses event not available
       0xA,    0,  EBX,      5, pmu_no_br_instr_ret_evt, Branch instruction retired event not available
       0xA,    0,  EBX,      6, pmu_no_br_mispredict_evt, Branch mispredict retired event not available

       0xA,    0,  ECX,    4:0, pmu_fixed_cnt_num, Performance Monitoring Unit version
       0xA,    0,  ECX,   12:5, pmu_fixed_cnt_bits, Numer of PMU counters per logical CPU

# Leaf 0BH
# Extended Topology Enumeration Leaf

       0xB,    0,  EAX,    4:0, id_shift, Number of bits to shift right on x2APIC ID to get a unique topology ID of the next level type
       0xB,    0,  EBX,   15:0, cpu_nr, Number of logical processors at this level type
       0xB,    0,  ECX,   15:8, lvl_type, 0-Invalid 1-SMT 2-Core
       0xB,    0,  EDX,   31:0, x2apic_id, x2APIC ID the current logical processor

# Leaf 0DH
# Processor Extended State

       0xD,    0,  EAX,      0, x87, X87 state
       0xD,    0,  EAX,      1, sse, SSE state
       0xD,    0,  EAX,      2, avx, AVX state
       0xD,    0,  EAX,    4:3, mpx, MPX state
       0xD,    0,  EAX,    7:5, avx512, AVX-512 state
       0xD,    0,  EAX,      9, pkru, PKRU state

       0xD,    0,  EBX,   31:0, max_sz_xcr0, Maximum size (bytes) required by enabled features in XCR0
       0xD,    0,  ECX,   31:0, max_sz_xsave, Maximum size (bytes) of the XSAVE/XRSTOR save area

       0xD,    1,  EAX,      0, xsaveopt, XSAVEOPT available
       0xD,    1,  EAX,      1, xsavec, XSAVEC and compacted form supported
       0xD,    1,  EAX,      2, xgetbv, XGETBV supported
       0xD,    1,  EAX,      3, xsaves, XSAVES/XRSTORS and IA32_XSS supported

       0xD,    1,  EBX,   31:0, max_sz_xcr0, Maximum size (bytes) required by enabled features in XCR0
       0xD,    1,  ECX,      8, pt, PT state
       0xD,    1,  ECX,      11, cet_usr, CET user state
       0xD,    1,  ECX,      12, cet_supv, CET supervisor state
       0xD,    1,  ECX,      13, hdc, HDC state
       0xD,    1,  ECX,      16, hwp, HWP state

# Leaf 0FH
# Intel RDT Monitoring

       0xF,    0,  EBX,   31:0, rmid_range, Maximum range (zero-based) of RMID within this physical processor of all types
       0xF,    0,  EDX,      1, l3c_rdt_mon, L3 Cache RDT Monitoring supported

       0xF,    1,  ECX,   31:0, rmid_range, Maximum range (zero-based) of RMID of this types
       0xF,    1,  EDX,      0, l3c_ocp_mon, L3 Cache occupancy Monitoring supported
       0xF,    1,  EDX,      1, l3c_tbw_mon, L3 Cache Total Bandwidth Monitoring supported
       0xF,    1,  EDX,      2, l3c_lbw_mon, L3 Cache Local Bandwidth Monitoring supported

# Leaf 10H
# Intel RDT Allocation

      0x10,    0,  EBX,      1, l3c_rdt_alloc, L3 Cache Allocation supported
      0x10,    0,  EBX,      2, l2c_rdt_alloc, L2 Cache Allocation supported
      0x10,    0,  EBX,      3, mem_bw_alloc, Memory Bandwidth Allocation supported

# Leaf 12H
# SGX Capability
# Some detailed SGX features not added yet

      0x12,    0,  EAX,      0, sgx1, L3 Cache Allocation supported
      0x12,    1,  EAX,      0, sgx2, L3 Cache Allocation supported

# Leaf 14H
# Intel Processor Tracer

# Leaf 15H
# Time Stamp Counter and Nominal Core Crystal Clock Information

      0x15,    0,  EAX,   31:0, tsc_denominator, The denominator of the TSC/”core crystal clock” ratio
      0x15,    0,  EBX,   31:0, tsc_numerator, The numerator of the TSC/”core crystal clock” ratio
      0x15,    0,  ECX,   31:0, nom_freq, Nominal frequency of the core crystal clock in Hz

# Leaf 16H
# Processor Frequency Information

      0x16,    0,  EAX,   15:0, cpu_base_freq, Processor Base Frequency in MHz
      0x16,    0,  EBX,   15:0, cpu_max_freq, Maximum Frequency in MHz
      0x16,    0,  ECX,   15:0, bus_freq, Bus (Reference) Frequency in MHz

# Leaf 17H
# System-On-Chip Vendor Attribute

      0x17,    0,  EAX,   31:0, max_socid, Maximum input value of supported sub-leaf
      0x17,    0,  EBX,   15:0, soc_vid, SOC Vendor ID
      0x17,    0,  EBX,     16, std_vid, SOC Vendor ID is assigned via an industry standard scheme
      0x17,    0,  ECX,   31:0, soc_pid, SOC Project ID assigned by vendor
      0x17,    0,  EDX,   31:0, soc_sid, SOC Stepping ID

# Leaf 18H
# Deterministic Address Translation Parameters

# Leaf 19H
# Key Locker Leaf

# Leaf 1AH
# Hybrid Information

      0x1A,    0,  EAX,  31:24, core_type, 20H-Intel_Atom 40H-Intel_Core

# Leaf 1FH
# V2 Extended Topology - A preferred superset to leaf 0BH

# According to SDM
# 40000000H - 4FFFFFFFH is invalid range

# Leaf 80000001H
# Extended Processor Signature and Feature Bits

0x80000001,    0,  EAX,  27:20, extfamily, Extended family
0x80000001,    0,  EAX,  19:16, extmodel, Extended model
0x80000001,    0,  EAX,   11:8, basefamily, Description of Family
0x80000001,    0,  EAX,   11:8, basemodel, Model numbers vary with product
0x80000001,    0,  EAX,    3:0, stepping, Processor stepping (revision) for a specific model

0x80000001,    0,  EBX,  31:28, pkgtype, Specifies the package type

0x80000001,    0,  ECX,      0, lahf_lm, LAHF/SAHF available in 64-bit mode
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,      1, cmplegacy, Core multi-processing legacy mode
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,      2, svm, Indicates support for: VMRUN, VMLOAD, VMSAVE, CLGI, VMMCALL, and INVLPGA
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,      3, extapicspace, Extended APIC register space
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,      4, altmovecr8, Indicates support for LOCK MOV CR0 means MOV CR8
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,      5, lzcnt, LZCNT
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,      6, sse4a, EXTRQ, INSERTQ, MOVNTSS, and MOVNTSD instruction support
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,      7, misalignsse, Misaligned SSE Mode
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,      8, prefetchw, PREFETCHW
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,      9, osvw, OS Visible Work-around support
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,     10, ibs, Instruction Based Sampling
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,     11, xop, Extended operation support
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,     12, skinit, SKINIT and STGI support
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,     13, wdt, Watchdog timer support
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,     15, lwp, Lightweight profiling support
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,     16, fma4, Four-operand FMA instruction support
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,     17, tce, Translation cache extension
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,     22, TopologyExtensions, Indicates support for Core::X86::Cpuid::CachePropEax0 and Core::X86::Cpuid::ExtApicId
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,     23, perfctrextcore, Indicates support for Core::X86::Msr::PERF_CTL0 - 5 and Core::X86::Msr::PERF_CTR
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,     24, perfctrextdf, Indicates support for Core::X86::Msr::DF_PERF_CTL and Core::X86::Msr::DF_PERF_CTR
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,     26, databreakpointextension, Indicates data breakpoint support for Core::X86::Msr::DR0_ADDR_MASK, Core::X86::Msr::DR1_ADDR_MASK, Core::X86::Msr::DR2_ADDR_MASK and Core::X86::Msr::DR3_ADDR_MASK
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,     27, perftsc, Performance time-stamp counter supported
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,     28, perfctrextllc, Indicates support for L3 performance counter extensions
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,     29, mwaitextended, MWAITX and MONITORX capability is supported
0x80000001,    0,  ECX,     30, admskextn, Indicates support for address mask extension (to 32 bits and to all 4 DRs) for instruction breakpoints

0x80000001,    0,  EDX,      0, fpu, x87 floating point unit on-chip
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,      1, vme, Virtual-mode enhancements
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,      2, de, Debugging extensions, IO breakpoints, CR4.DE
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,      3, pse, Page-size extensions (4 MB pages)
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,      4, tsc, Time stamp counter, RDTSC/RDTSCP instructions, CR4.TSD
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,      5, msr, Model-specific registers (MSRs), with RDMSR and WRMSR instructions
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,      6, pae, Physical-address extensions (PAE)
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,      7, mce, Machine Check Exception, CR4.MCE
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,      8, cmpxchg8b, CMPXCHG8B instruction
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,      9, apic, advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC) exists and is enabled
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,     11, sysret, SYSCALL/SYSRET supported
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,     12, mtrr, Memory-type range registers
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,     13, pge, Page global extension, CR4.PGE
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,     14, mca, Machine check architecture, MCG_CAP
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,     15, cmov, Conditional move instructions, CMOV, FCOMI, FCMOV
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,     16, pat, Page attribute table
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,     17, pse36, Page-size extensions
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,     20, exec_dis, Execute Disable Bit available
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,     22, mmxext, AMD extensions to MMX instructions
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,     23, mmx, MMX instructions
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,     24, fxsr, FXSAVE and FXRSTOR instructions
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,     25, ffxsr, FXSAVE and FXRSTOR instruction optimizations
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,     26, 1gb_page, 1GB page supported
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,     27, rdtscp, RDTSCP and IA32_TSC_AUX are available
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,     29, lm, 64b Architecture supported
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,     30, threednowext, AMD extensions to 3DNow! instructions
0x80000001,    0,  EDX,     31, threednow, 3DNow! instructions

# Leaf 80000002H/80000003H/80000004H
# Processor Brand String

# Leaf 80000005H
# Reserved

# Leaf 80000006H
# Extended L2 Cache Features

0x80000006,    0,  ECX,    7:0, clsize, Cache Line size in bytes
0x80000006,    0,  ECX,  15:12, l2c_assoc, L2 Associativity
0x80000006,    0,  ECX,  31:16, csize, Cache size in 1K units

# Leaf 80000007H

0x80000007,    0,  EDX,      8, nonstop_tsc, Invariant TSC available

# Leaf 80000008H

0x80000008,    0,  EAX,    7:0, phy_adr_bits, Physical Address Bits
0x80000008,    0,  EAX,   15:8, lnr_adr_bits, Linear Address Bits
0x80000007,    0,  EBX,      9, wbnoinvd, WBNOINVD

# 0x8000001E
# EAX: Extended APIC ID
0x8000001E,	0, EAX,   31:0, extended_apic_id, Extended APIC ID
# EBX: Core Identifiers
0x8000001E,	0, EBX,    7:0, core_id, Identifies the logical core ID
0x8000001E,	0, EBX,   15:8, threads_per_core, The number of threads per core is threads_per_core + 1
# ECX: Node Identifiers
0x8000001E,	0, ECX,    7:0, node_id, Node ID
0x8000001E,	0, ECX,   10:8, nodes_per_processor, Nodes per processor { 0: 1 node, else reserved }

# 8000001F: AMD Secure Encryption
0x8000001F,	0, EAX,	     0, sme,	Secure Memory Encryption
0x8000001F,	0, EAX,      1, sev,	Secure Encrypted Virtualization
0x8000001F,	0, EAX,      2, vmpgflush, VM Page Flush MSR
0x8000001F,	0, EAX,      3, seves, SEV Encrypted State
0x8000001F,	0, EBX,    5:0, c-bit, Page table bit number used to enable memory encryption
0x8000001F,	0, EBX,   11:6, mem_encrypt_physaddr_width, Reduction of physical address space in bits with SME enabled
0x8000001F,	0, ECX,   31:0, num_encrypted_guests, Maximum ASID value that may be used for an SEV-enabled guest
0x8000001F,	0, EDX,   31:0, minimum_sev_asid, Minimum ASID value that must be used for an SEV-enabled, SEV-ES-disabled guest